Awar-awar Leaves: Benefits Rarely Known by the Public

In the tradition of traditional Balinese medicine, awar-awar leaves are known to have a variety of health benefits. One practitioner who studies the efficacy and benefits of awar-awar leaves is Usadha Taru Pramana, namely as a seven medicine, medicine for diare and medicine bitten by a poleng snake or striped

Dec 14, 2023 - 14:12
Sep 28, 2023 - 05:33
Awar-awar Leaves: Benefits Rarely Known by the Public
Awar - awar Leaves (Source : Private Collection)

Awar-awar leaves, or in scientific language Ficus septica, is a wild plant that grows widely in the Bali region, especially rural areas that are usually used for food for cows. Many people in Bali do not know about this awar plant, because this plant is often said to trigger itching. Though this plant has very many medicinal benefits. This is said  Usadha Taru Pramana recorded by Sri Jumadiah namely awar - awar can be used for aiming medicine, ngutah mising and medicine bitten by a poleng or striped snake.


Awar - awar Leaves (Source : Private Collection)

In medicine seven, it is said  : titiang taru awar – awar, daging titiang panes, daun dumalada, babakan panes, getah panes, akah tis, anggen tamba tuju brahma, babakan tiang anggen loloh, ra madu, yeh asaban cenana. This means that it treats the purpose of the brahma taken, namely babakan or dry the stem which is used as loloh or drinking medicine. Babakan awar – awar is then mixed with honey and cenana water.


For the drug ngutah mising it is said: titiang wit awar – awar, daging dumalada, getah putih anget, akah dayuh, yan wenten anak ngutah missing, ambil titian makasami, ra kelapa matunu, isen mapanggang, santen kane, tahap. This means that for the treatment of missing (diare), all parts of the awar are used which are filled with roasted coconut, roasted isen, coconut milk and tahap.


Awar - awar Leaves (Source : Private Collection)

As for the poleng or striped snake bite medicine used is awar - awar brahma or awar - awar - awar which is slightly reddish in color. In lontar it is said : titiang taru awar – awar brahma, daun titiang panes, babakan muang akah panes. Titian dados angge tamba jatma gutgut lelipi poleng, ambil muncuk titiang, makanti ring mesui warirang bang, ulig, anggen ngurapin besehnia. This means that it is used for the treatment of striped snake bites, namely the leaves. Mixed with mesui, red sulfur, then crushed and used to apply swelling from the snake bite