The story tells of a time when the world was engulfed in darkness and chaos. The...
The Exile of Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana Rama was exiled with Sita and Lakshmana ...
Harihara Awatara is a fusion of the gods Vishnu and Shiva that emerged between t...
Shiva is one of the principal deities in the Trimurti, also known as the Destroy...
Grihapati Awatara is the incarnation of Lord Shiva who was born from the prayers...
Jimbaran village, is a village located on the southern coast of Bali. Now this v...
When a great catastrophe struck the world, threatening all life on Earth, Lord V...
Dewi Sekar, the goddess of fertility, descended from the heavens to save a villa...
The story of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, in Hindu tradition, includes ten i...
Aranyaka Kanda is the third part of the Ramayana epic, which narrates the journe...
Sabha Parwa is the second part of the Mahabharata epic that narrates the beginni...
Exiled from her royal life, a princess faced countless hardships with unwavering...
A priest from Java who brought Hindu teachings to Bali played a very significant...
Nang Cubling and his wife faced a problem with a troop of monkeys that were dest...
The manifestation of Lord Shiva to teach a lesson to the Gods who became arrogan...
Vana Parva in the Mahabharata recounts the Pandavas' 12-year exile in the forest...
Narasimha, the half-man, half-lion manifestation of Lord Vishnu, appears to esta...
In revenge, Manasa Devi destroyed everything Chand had. So Chand willing to wors...
I Gede Pasekan was ordered by his father, King Sri Bagening, to travel to Panji ...
Wiswamitra, an ambitious king, transformed into a powerful rsi. Driven by a grud...