This story tells about the journey of daughter God Siva and Goddess Parvati who...
Bhatara Hyang Paçupati moved the peak of Mount Mahameru from India to bring bala...
The story of Lord Surya as the giver of life to all beings on Earth by ensuring ...
The god Vishnu descended as Varaha, a giant boar, to rescue and restore the worl...
Lord Vishnu's conversation with Garuda discussing Lord Yama's kingdom and how th...
on a short journey to the golden age of Ancient Bali, where a wise King named Ud...
Discover the inspiring story of how Dharmawangsa actualizes dharma, wisdom, and ...
The story of the formation of Nusa Lembongan begins with the tale of I Renggan, ...
The three Magic Dragons, namely Antaboga, Basuki, and Taksaka, were born from th...
The story of I Watugunung is one of the most famous in Bali. It narrates the sto...
Jimbaran, a village nestled on the southern coast of Bali, is renowned for its n...
In this heroic tale, we witness the unforgettable struggle of Sagung Ayu Wah, a ...
In the teachings of Hinduism, Avatara plays the role of God Vishnu who came to t...
The statue of Dang Hyang Nirartha at Uluwatu Temple is not just a piece of art; ...
Bhagavan Parashurama, his name is certainly familiar to us especially since he i...
Not all love stories end beautifully; in reality, history has recorded a number ...
This story tells about a black chicken that uses its cleverness to save its chil...
The story of Lubdaka is a story that cannot be separated from one of the holy Hi...
Bali is one of the islands in Indonesia which has a unique culture. This unique ...
The descendants of Danghyang Nirartha on the island of Bali have an important ro...