"Lubdaka: A Hunter's Redemption on Siwa Night"

Lubdaka, a man known as a hunter who had killed many animals to sell the game, went hunting into the forest as usual. After finding no results to go homr with throughout the day, he was faced with danger in the forest at night. Atop an old tree in the middle of the forest, during the night when Lord Shiva was meditating, Lubdaka repents all the sins he had committed. After surviving, Lubdaka returned home and lived peacefully until the end of his life, where his soul was taken by Lord Shiva to heaven.

Oct 26, 2024 - 00:14
Oct 23, 2024 - 12:17
"Lubdaka: A Hunter's Redemption on Siwa Night"
Lubdaka (Source: Personal Collection)

Once upon a time, there was a hunter named Lubdaka who lived with his family. At that time, Lubdaka made hunting animals in the forest his main means of providing for his family. He was known for having killed many animals to be sold later.

One day, Lubdaka set out to the forest to hunt as usual. Reluctantly, he bid farewell to his wife and children at home. It happened to be the seventh lunar month, and at night there was a new moon, resulting in limited lighting. Therefore, Lubdaka was determined to find game quickly and return home.

Lubdaka Goes Hunting (Source: Personal Collection)

Lubdaka went alone into the forest, armed only with hunting tools and his conviction to provide for his family. In the forest, he searched high and low for prey. His eyes darted around, and his ears strained to catch any sound that might indicate some kind of animal or something that he can hunt. 

Unfortunately, there were no signs of animals or anything that could be hunted that day. With a frustrated expression on his face, he continued to wander deeper into the forest.

Lubdaka Being Worried (Source: Personal Collection)

Inside of the dense forest, Lubdaka roamed in search of game. Hours passed since he had entered the forest, but he had not encountered a single animal. Thoughts of his wife and children at home crossed his mind. In his heart, Lubdaka wondered, “If I don’t find any game today, what will I sell to provide for and feed my family?”

Feeling worried and determined to support his family, Lubdaka pressed on deeper into the forest. He had no intention of returning until he found something to hunt and sell. Gradually, the sun began to set. The sky turned red, signaling the arrival of evening. Lubdaka's anxiety grew as he continued into the forest, hoping to find even a single animal or any possible catch.

But along the way, he found nothing. With mixed espresion of panic and frustration etched on his face, he ventured further into the forest. But alas, Lubdaka found no results and nightfall came.

Lubdaka Sitting Under An Old Tree (Source: Personal Collection)

Lubdaka decided to find his way back home, but due to the lack of light caused by the new moon, he chose to spend the night in the forest. He looked for a safe place to rest and arrived at a tranquil pond. At the edge of the pond, he noticed a sturdy old tree and decided to rest there.

As time went by and night deepened, Lubdaka’s instincts as a hunter sensed danger lurking around him. Indeed, behind the trees and thick grass around the pond, a tiger approached the spot where Lubdaka was resting.

Quickly, he climbed the tree he was resting on. His fear allowed him to ascend the tree swiftly. And indeed, a tiger prowled and watched Lubdaka from below. The tiger seemed to be hunting and its gaze was focused on Lubdaka up in the tree. As a result, Lubdaka couldn’t descend and had to spend the night perched on the old tree branch.

Lubdaka On the Old Tree (Source: Personal Collection)

Lubdaka’s worry intensified as the night grew later, and he felt his eyes becoming heavy. He realized that if he fell asleep on the branch, he might fall and become prey to the tiger or another wild animal.

Looking around for a solution, Lubdaka decided to pluck one leaf at a time from the tree branch to pass the time and stay awake. The leaves fell into the middle of the pond. In the center of the calm pond was a Lingga, a stone symbol. It seemed that the fallen leaves gathered on the Lingga.

Leaves Falling On the Lingga (Source: Personal Collection)

Lubdaka did not know the significance of the Lingga, which symbolized the deity Shiva, and that it was the night Shiva was performing Yoga Samadhi. 

As the leaves fell, Lubdaka began to reflect on his actions as a hunter. He had killed many animals. Gradually, he began to repent for his past deeds. Throughout the night, he pondered, stayed awake, and regretted all the sins he had committed.

Little by little, Lubdaka beginning to think that he should change his profession from a hunter to a farmer. At that moment, his thought was strengthened by a gentle whisper affirming his wish. Lubdaka took this as a sign that he needed to change.

Lubdaka Repenting For His Sins While Lord Shiva Is Mediating (Source: Personal Collection)

Repenting for his past sins, Lubdaka spent the new moon night in full awareness, perched on the old tree. As dawn approached, the sun slowly begun to rise, the danger that had been lurking around him had long since vanished. Realizing this, Lubdaka quickly gathered his equipment and hurried to find his way home.

When he arrived home, he was warmly welcomed by his family. His wife and children, who had been worried all night, and were relieved and happy to see him return home safely.

After that event, Lubdaka changed his profession to farming, supported by his family. He also became a better person, avoiding and preventing himself from comitting sinful deeds. Thus, Lubdaka lived a better life until the end of his life.

When Lubdaka’s soul journeyed to the afterlife, it was intercepted by the Cikrabala troops, who intended to take him to the Candragomuka pit in Hell. According to them, Lubdaka had sinned by killing many animals in his lifetime.

Cikrabala Troops Stopped by Lord Shiva As Lord Shiva Came for Lubdaka (Source: Personal Collection)

However, before they could proceed to Hell, they were stopped by Lord Shiva, who intervened to prevent Lubdaka’s soul from being taken to Hell. There was a discussion between Shiva and the Cikrabala troops.

Shiva explained that on Siwaratri night, Lubdaka had unknowingly performed an act of atonement by reflecting on his sins during the night when Shiva was engaged in Samadhi. Moreover, Lubdaka had changed after that Siwaratri night. Agreeing with condition given by Lord Shiva, the Cikrabala troops allowed Shiva to take Lubdaka’s soul to Heaven.

From that time, the night when Lubdaka stayed awake in the tree to repent for his sins became known as Siwaratri, celebrated once a year on Purwaning Tilem Sasih Kapitu, or the seventh lunar month according to the Hindu calendar, when all Hindus can stay awake and reflect on their actions and sins during their lives.
