Ida Ratu Ayu Mas Manik Anglayang: Kite Janggan as Protector of YangBatu Kangin

Ida Betara Ratu Ayu Mas Manik Anglayang, who was formerly the tapel (head) of the janggan kite, is now revered by the banjar yangbatu kangin krama. The tapel was elevated because one day when the janggan kite was raised and the kite gave off quite a bright light, and also the janggan kite protected the manners of Banjar Yangbatu Kangin from the disease outbreak which at that time was an outbreak of smallpox and measles.

Oct 17, 2023 - 14:54
Sep 26, 2023 - 04:54
Ida Ratu Ayu Mas Manik Anglayang: Kite Janggan as Protector of YangBatu Kangin
Ida Ratu Ayu Mas Manik Anglayang (Photo Source: Author's Collection)

Regarding the janggan krama kite, Banjar Yangbatu Kangin has a quite unique story. In the 1900s, the Krama Banjar Yangbatu Kangin made janggan kites that had a body width of around four meters, with a tail length of around seventy-five meters and a tail width of five meters. The color of the kite is that the body of the kite is white and the kekondo or neck is red, and the tail is red, white and black.

The tapel or head of the janggan kite is made using jepun wood taken from the Dalem Yangbatu temple. It is said that the tapel was made by the krama banjar yangbatu, with the shape of the tapel resembling a lion. In the process of making the tapel, it is carried back and forth from home and to the inner temple. When the banjar krama makes a comeback, the janggan tapel kite is used again. The rope used to raise the kite uses a tiying rope (bamboo rope).

One day a kite competition was held which was attended by several banjars in Gumi Badung. The competition took place on the border of Subak Yangbatu and Subak Gemeh to the west of the Yangbatu traditional village. At that time, the janggan kite of Banjar Yangbatu Kangin had its string broken. The kite's head dived down and it was estimated that the kite's head and its tail would be destroyed. However, when the kite approaches the ground, the kite suddenly moves to a normal position so that the kite lands smoothly. Everyone felt a miracle.

In this competition, the only winner was the Banjar Bun janggan kite and the Banjar Yangbatu Kangin janggan kite took second place. The winner of the kite competition gets a buffalo as a prize.

After a long time. It is said that one day this janggan kite was raised. This janggan kite rises perfectly with a long tail and is equipped with a guangan. As usual the kite was lowered in the afternoon. Coincidentally at that time a Dutch official based in Denpasar saw a bright light in the sky. The official immediately ordered his men to find the origin of the light. After checking, it turned out that the light came from the Banjar Yangbatu Kangin janggan kite which was flying in the air. Of course, this news caused a stir in the community.

On the other hand, people from Banjar Kayumas Kaja and also those from Banjar Bun want to go to the rice fields at dawn, usually passing in front of the bale of Banjar Yangbatu Kangin. The people passing by were shocked by the light emitting from the cudamani (jewel on the forehead) of the janggan kite tapel which was placed to the south of the bale of Banjar Yangbatu Kangin. Of course, this story created even more buzz about the janggan kite.

Yangbatu Kangin Banjar (Photo Source: Author's Collection)

The story continues when the janggan kite is raised, but when it is raised the kite seems to lose its passion. The kite string broke, and the kite wouldn't air properly. It is said that this was because someone was cuntaka (unable) to raise the kite. With a kite like that, the kite couple became upset because the kite was not airing well. In his disappointment, the service was placed haphazardly, just put there, no one thought about it.

After the kite was placed just like that, one of them experienced kerauhan (possessed) and he said, "Why is nira (me) placed like this? "If it wasn't for Nira who would add (protect) you, perhaps all of you would have been hit by an epidemic," was the retort (word) from the person who was afraid, which made all the manners come to a halt.

After remembering it with krama, it turned out that strange events had previously occurred, such as the fall of a flawless kite, a kite shining in the sky, and light emitting from the tape. We also remember that in the past there were outbreaks of smallpox and measles. Only Banjar Yangbatu Kangin and its surroundings were not affected by the outbreak.

Due to this incident, it is believed that the janggan kite was Kalinggihin Ida Betara Ratu Ayu. Her title is Ida Betara Ratu Ayu Mas Manik Anglayang. Then the tapel from the janggan kite was made into a visit (embodiment) of Ida Betara Ratu Ayu in the form of a winged lion. This visit was made by a shrine to the east of the Ratu Bhagawan Penyarikan building in Banjar Yangbatu Kangin, facing south. He is worshiped by the community as a protector, protector, and asks for blessings such as taksu pregina, healing, prosperity, and so on. Not only did the Banjar Yangbatu Kangin manners offer devotion, but the Banjar Yangbatu Kauh manners also offered devotion to him during the odalan, namely on the day of Tumpek Bubuh.

The janggan kite is the vehicle of Ida Betara Ratu Ayu Mas Manik Anglayang as the embodiment of Ida Betara Shiva who protects and gives life to the entire community. When Ida Betara Siwa was worshiped as a protector and provided entertainment and prosperity for farmers and herders, she was given the title Ida Betara Rare Angon. When Ida Betara Siwa became a leader of the community as a protector, protector from danger, as the bestower of healing, taksu and so on, then she became Ratu Ayu.

Regarding her nickname, Ida Betara Ratu Ayu Mas Manik Anglayang, it was explained that, Ida Betara is the most holy (God) who functions as the protector of humans and the universe. Ratu Ayu is the embodiment of the magical power of Lord Shiva. Mas is the radiance of his golden yellow light. The bead, the source of the light, is emanating from the gem or Mustika found on the cudamani prerai of the janggan kite. Anglayang, he who was most holy, shone golden with the form of a kite, namely the janggan kite.