

Last seen: 6 months ago

Member since Sep 5, 2023

Pengelukatan Dasamala Lan Widyadari : 12 Pancoran Nonme...

A pengelukatan is a purification ritual of Balinese Hindus, where they use holy ...

Pakudui Traditional Village: Garuda's Worldwide Tourism...

Pakudui Village is a village located in Tegalalang District, Gianyar Regency, Ba...

Penataran Pande Tamblingan Temple: The Center of Weapon...

Penataran Pande Tamblingan Temple, located in Munduk Village, Bali, is one of th...

Kereban Langit Temple: A Sacred Place for Fertility Pra...

Kereban Langit Temple in Bali is a sacred place that offers a unique experience ...