Puncak Ngusabha Desa and Mapahayu Nini: A Sacred Event of Half a Century in the Historical Journey of the Traditional Village of Mengwitani

The Puncak Ngusabha Desa and Mapahayu Nini describes the celebration of the traditional village of Mengwitani held on October 8, 2024, marking the second peak of the Karya Agung after Ngenteg Linggih. The Ngusabha Desa ceremony, centered at Bale Agung, involved 648 Ida Bhatara Guru and was led by five Sulinggih, marking a historic moment for the village. Additionally, the Karya Mapahayu Nini took place across various temples, starting from September 27, featuring important rituals related to fertility and protection. The ceremony concluded with a communal prayer, creating a deep sacred atmosphere for the entire Mengwitani community.

Oct 10, 2024 - 23:17
Puncak Ngusabha Desa and Mapahayu Nini: A Sacred Event of Half a Century in the Historical Journey of the Traditional Village of Mengwitani
Ida Bhatara Desa Puseh steps on the Antaran Kambing.

On October 8, 2024, the traditional village of Mengwitani celebrated the second peak of the Karya Agung, namely Ngusabha Desa and Mapahayu Nini, following the first peak of Ngenteg Linggih on October 5, 2024. No one knows exactly when this type of Ngusabha was last performed, but it is believed to be nearly half a century ago, around the 1970s. There are stories in the community that a similar event also took place around 1931. 

The Ngusabha Desa ceremony was centered at Bale Agung, Pura Desa Mengwitani, featuring 648 Ida Bhatara Guru from the entire Mengwitani community, both from Merajan Wayah and Carang from each family. To facilitate the large number of Ida Bhatara Guru, they were divided into 30 groups based on the 15 banjar regions. All Ida Bhatara Guru had been present at Bale Agung since September 28, 2024, along with Ida Petapakan, Ida Bhatara Pepeletan, and Kahyangan Tiga. Thus, all Ida Bhatara Guru participated in every stage of the ceremony from the beginning.

The procession of Ida Bhatara Guru Murwa Daksina circles Bale Agung.

The Ngusabha Desa procession began with the Nganteb ceremony of Antaran Kambing on October 8 at 07:00, led by Ida Mpu Dukuh Samiaga from Griya Samiaga Penatih. Antaran serves as a platform for Ida Bhatara to ascend to Bale Agung. After the Nganteb Antaran was completed, the procession continued with Ida Bhatara Guru Murwa Daksina, during which the Ida Bhatara Guru descended and circled Bale Agung three times. On the third round, Ida Bhatara Kahyangan Tiga, as the highest spiritual authority in the traditional village, descended and walked toward Bale Agung, stepping on the Antaran Kambing, followed by the Ida Bhatara Guru from each group, who then ascended to Bale Agung. Once this procession was complete and Ida Bhatara Kahyangan Tiga along with all the Ida Bhatara Guru were settled in Bale Agung, the Ngusabha Desa ceremony officially began.

From right to left: Ida Pedanda Gede Buruan dari Griya Darmasabha, Ida Bhagawan Geniten dari Griya Taman Abiansemal, Ida Rsi Hari Dantam dari Griya Tumbak Bayuh

From left to right:  Ida Mpu Dukuh Samiaga from Griya Samiaga Penatih, Ida Pandita Mpu Sastra Wedangga from Griya Sembung

The Ngusabha Desa ceremony started around 09:00, led by five Sulinggih: Ida Pedanda Gede Buruan from Griya Darmasabha, Ida Pandita Mpu Sastra Wedangga from Griya Sembung, Ida Bhagawan Geniten from Griya Taman Abiansemal, Ida Rsi Hari Dantam from Griya Tumbak Bayuh, and Ida Mpu Dukuh Samiaga from Griya Samiaga Penatih. This can be considered a historic moment for the traditional village of Mengwitani, as the Karya Agung was led by Sulinggih from the "Sarwa Sadhaka" group, which may not have happened before.

The Ngusabha Desa ceremony concluded around 11:00, marked by the return of Ida Bhatara Kahyangan Tiga from Bale Agung to its original resting place at Pura Desa. The Karya Mapahayu Nini began in the afternoon around 13:00. This ceremony took place at various sacred sites, with Pura Puseh Mengwitani as its center. Locations for the Mapahayu Nini ceremony included Pura Puseh Mengwitani, led by Ida Mpu Dukuh Celagi Dhaksa Dharma Kerti from Griya Dukuh Celagi; Pura Ulun Swi (Pengulu), led by Ida Pedanda Gede Ketut Putra Timbul from Griya Gede Kawi Purna Timbul; and Pura Dugul Semanisan and Temuku Aya, led by Ida Pedanda Gede Putra Manuaba from Griya Gede Sangeh. In Pengutangan Toya Carik, the ceremony was led by Ida Pandita Mpu Putra Maha Agung Paramanirbana Biru Daksa from Griya Agung Andika Sari. Additionally, ceremonies were held at several smaller dugul-dugul, such as Buruan, Dugul Sangdatwa, Dugul Dusun, Dugul Uma Loda, Dugul Delod Bantas, Dugul Babadan, and each community's rice fields (carik).

Ida Mpu Dukuh Celagi Dhaksa Dharma Kerti from Griya Dukuh Celagi

The series of Mapahayu Nini events actually began on September 27, 2024, with the Ngadegan ritual for the manifestation of Dewa Nini using rice, conducted at Pura Puseh Mengwitani. Ngadegan Dewa Nini was also performed in each household that worships Dewa Nini, typically housed in rice barns or special places prepared for this purpose. This was held in individual homes on September 28, 2024.

During the peak event of Mapahayu Nini, a ritual was conducted to bring forth the Keris Petapakan Ida Ratu Nyoman from Pura Desa Puseh, which is a relic from Pura Pucak Mangu. This ritual was performed by Sulinggih, followed by a dance featuring Topeng Sidakarya with the keris, circling the temple three times, and ending with the creation of tirta (holy water) from the keris. This holy water was then distributed to the Mengwitani community. The keris is believed to possess powers related to agricultural fertility and protection from disasters.

Topeng Sidakarya performs the Keris Ratu Nyoman.

To conclude the ceremony, a communal prayer was led by Ida Mpu Dukuh Celagi. A deep and sacred atmosphere was felt throughout the prayer, especially as Ida Mpu recited the puja Siwa Bodha Wisnu, a prayer that honors the Divine Power of God in the manifestations of Sanghyang Siwa, Sanghyang Bodha, and Sanghyang Wisnu.