Nganyaran in the Great Yadnya: Renewal of Offering Rituals
The nganyaran ceremony is one of the essential stages in Bali's traditional ceremonies, particularly during the Karya Ngenteg Linggih, Ngusabha Desa, and Mapahayu Nini held in Desa Adat Mengwitani. This ceremony was conducted on Friday, October 11, 2024, as a tangible expression of respect, gratitude, and preservation of ancestral traditions rich in spiritual values.
Nganyaran is not a ritual created merely to beautify an event or make it seem grander. In the Hindu Balinese belief, nganyaran signifies renewing or recreating the upakara yadnya (ritual offerings) previously used. This act symbolizes the renewal of energy and alignment with the universe, in accordance with the teachings of Tri Hita Karana—the harmonious relationship between humans, God, and the environment. This ceremony also serves as an expression of gratitude for the blessings received and a prayer for the well-being of the community and the sustainability of life in Desa Adat Mengwitani.