Nganyaran in the Great Yadnya: Renewal of Offering Rituals
The nganyaran ceremony is one of the essential stages in Bali's traditional ceremonies, particularly during the Karya Ngenteg Linggih, Ngusabha Desa, and Mapahayu Nini held in Desa Adat Mengwitani. This ceremony was conducted on Friday, October 11, 2024, as a tangible expression of respect, gratitude, and preservation of ancestral traditions rich in spiritual values.

Nganyaran is not a ritual created merely to beautify an event or make it seem grander. In the Hindu Balinese belief, nganyaran signifies renewing or recreating the upakara yadnya (ritual offerings) previously used. This act symbolizes the renewal of energy and alignment with the universe, in accordance with the teachings of Tri Hita Karana—the harmonious relationship between humans, God, and the environment. This ceremony also serves as an expression of gratitude for the blessings received and a prayer for the well-being of the community and the sustainability of life in Desa Adat Mengwitani.
The Procession of the Mengwitani Traditional Village Community (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
Nganyaran is usually performed after the main ceremony or adining karya and includes subsequent rituals such as:
- Nyenuk
- Mekebat Daun
- Mebangun Ayu
- Ngeremek
In the nyenuk ceremony, there is a particularly meaningful moment called nuek bagia. This moment is deeply cherished by the community as it symbolizes the successful outcomes of the ceremonies carried out over time. During the mekebat daun ritual, various agricultural products such as pala bungkah (root crops), pala gantung (hanging fruits), and rice are offered. These offerings represent the hope for fertile growth, lush foliage, blooming flowers, and abundant harvests. These items, being staple foods and essential for Balinese life, are revered, as their absence would severely impact survival.
Mebangun Ayu is performed as an effort to enhance beauty and harmony, both spiritually and physically. This ritual involves sacred prayers to cleanse and improve all aspects of life. The ngeremek ceremony marks the final stage of nganyaran, symbolically destroying any negative elements that may linger after the yadnya.
Offering Ritual (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
The nganyaran ceremony is a tangible manifestation of the teachings of Tat Twam Asi—"I am you, and you are me." Through this ceremony, the Balinese community is reminded of the importance of maintaining harmonious relationships with God, others, and nature. This tradition is not only a tribute to ancestors but also a means of preserving a culture deeply rooted in daily life.
By performing nganyaran, Desa Adat Mengwitani exemplifies how the noble values of Balinese Hinduism remain relevant in ensuring sustainability and harmony amidst modern life. This ceremony teaches that renewal, gratitude, and respect for nature are key to achieving balance and prosperity in life.