Melaspas Salon: Spreading Sacred Energy in Every Uparengga to Create Harmony for the Grand Ceremony

Melaspas, in essence, is a sacred process that transforms a structure from being unfit to being spiritually appropriate for use. This process is not merely a ritual but a profound journey of transformation, where each physical element of the building is purified and harmonized. Through melaspas, a building that initially may consist of separate components becomes a space that resonates with positive energy and tranquility.

Aug 30, 2024 - 05:51
Sep 5, 2024 - 20:31
Melaspas Salon: Spreading Sacred Energy in Every Uparengga to Create Harmony for the Grand Ceremony
Uparengga in the Nistaning Mandala of Pura Desa Puseh Mengwitani

After nearly two months of dedication from the community of Desa Adat Mengwitani in preparing Uparengga (ritual support structures) to welcome the Grand Ceremony of Ngenteg Linggih Ngusabha Desa and Mapahayu Nini, the time has come to carry out the ritual of melaspas uparengga, often referred to locally as melaspas salon. This ritual aims to purify and sanctify every element of the uparengga that has been meticulously designed. Through this process, it is hoped that the structure will radiate a calming vibration, dispel negative energy, and create an atmosphere of harmony and blessings.

The pemangku leads the execution of the melaspas salon ceremony.

Various sources reveal that the term "melaspas" literally derives from the combination of "melas," meaning 'to separate,' and "pas," meaning 'suitable' or 'appropriate.' The profound meaning of melaspas is the process of uniting separate elements of a building into a harmonious whole. In the context of this ritual, melaspas serves not only to unify the physical structure of the uparengga but also to create energy harmony and spiritual balance.

The Uparengga buildings, which are blessed in this melaspas salon ceremony, are an integral part of the Ngenteg Linggih, Ngusabha Desa, and Mapahayu Nini works, including:
Mandala Utama (Utamaning Mandala): Sanggar Luhur Akasa, Sanggar Tawang, Sanggar Rsi Gana, Sanggar Tirta, Pekemit and Pengrajeg Karya, Sanggar Penyejeran Pelinggih, Lumbung, Surya Lumbung, Linggih Petapakan, Linggih Ida Bhatara Kahyangan Tiga and Pepeletan, Asagan upakara, Paselang, Sanggar Siwa Budha, Pawedan, Sanggar Pahayu Nini, Sanggar Candra Agni, and tetaring.

Mandala Tengah (Madyaning Mandala): Sanggar Rare Anggon, Sanggar Yama Raja, Sanggar Surya Ngusabha, Asagan Kuri Agung, Sanggar Siwa Budha Bujangga, Sanggar Luhur Akasa, Sanggar Tawang, Sanggar Pamuput Pangusabha, and Bale Timbang.

Mandala Paling Luar (Nistaning Mandala): Pengubengan, Bale Padanan, Pawedan, Genah Ngusabha, Bale Barong, Jegeg Bagus, and the penjor located in front of the temple and at every end of the village.

Before the melaspas ceremony begins, a mecaru ritual is performed at the Utamaning Mandala and Madyaning Mandala of Pura Desa lan Puseh Mengwitani, as a form of deep spiritual preparation. Mecaru, derived from the word "caru" meaning 'balanced' or 'harmonious,' is a ritual to maintain balance and harmony between the material and spiritual realms, ensuring that the entire ceremony proceeds with meaningfulness and peace.

The mecaru ceremony

The Melaspas Salon Ceremony

Offering ceremony in the melaspas salon

Melaspas, in essence, is a sacred process that transforms a structure from being unfit to being spiritually appropriate for use. This process is not merely a ritual but a profound journey of transformation, where each physical element of the building is purified and harmonized. Through melaspas, a building that initially may consist of separate components becomes a space that resonates with positive energy and tranquility. This ritual ensures that every corner and detail of the building aligns with its spiritual purpose, creating an environment that not only meets physical standards but is also ready to welcome sacred presence and energy with full devotion. Thus, melaspas makes the building spiritually worthy and prepared, bringing peace and blessings that transcend mere physical structure.