Dalem Gandamayu Temple, Dalem Temple for Brahmins Descendants of Dang Hyang Dwijendra
Dalem Gandamayu Temple is one of the temples located in Gelgel Village, Klungkung, Bali. This temple has a very important meaning and history in the spiritual life of the Balinese people. In this article, we will discuss more about Dalem Gandamayu Temple and its relationship with Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra.

Temple is a place that is sanctified by Balinese Hindus which is used as a place to carry out worship activities /worship to God Almighty /Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa with all the manifestations. Thus, temple is the center of worship and religious ceremonial activities for Hindus in Bali.
Bali Island is known as the island of a thousand temples, the existence of its temples can be distinguished based on their functions and levels. Based on its function, temple is a sacred place to worship Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in the form of different Manifestations of God's Majesty, such as Desa Temple as a place of worship of God's Majesty as the Creator of the Universe, Puseh Temple as a place of worship of God's Majesty as the Sustainer of the Universe, and Dalem Temple as a place of worship of God's Majesty as the Melter of the Universe. Based on its level, the temple is divided into 5 levels, which are Kahyangan Jagat Temple, Dang Kahyangan Temple, Kahyangan Tiga Temple, Swagina Temple, and Ancestor Temple. Although each temple has different functions and levels, they all have the same purpose, as a holy place to worship Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, Maha Rsi and the ancestors of each Hindu in Bali.
Dalem Gandamayu Temple is a temple located in Gelgel Traditional Village, Klungkung District, Klungkung Regency. In terms of its function, Dalem Gandamayu Temple is a Dalem Temple as a place to worship the Majesty of God as the Melter of the Universe and become the center of the Dalem Temple for Brahmins descendants of Dang Hyang Dwijendra. In terms of its level, Dalem Gandamayu Temple is Dang Kahyangan Temple because it was built by Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra. Dalem Gandamayu Temple is the 24th temple in the history of Dang Hyang Dwijendra's dharmayatra journey during the heyday of the Kingdom of Bali. The piodalan in this temple falls on Anggara Kliwon Kulantir.
Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra was a Maha Rsi or Holy Priest who lived in the 14th century. He is known as a very influential figure in the development of Hinduism in Bali. He is also known as Dang Hyang Nirartha or Ida Bhatara Sakti Wawu Rauh. Through his dharmayatra journey he spread the teachings of Hinduism and built holy temples that still exist until now.
Dalem Gandamayu Temple is closely related to the history of the dharmayatra journey of a Maha Rsi Dang Hyang Dwijendra to Bali during the period before the collapse of the Majapahit Kingdom. According to the story told by the pangempon of Pura Dalem Gandamayu, Ida Aji Mangku Ida Bagus Oka Gunastawa, Pura Dalem Gandamayu was built by Dang Hyang Dwijendra in 1476 AD or Icaka 1398. This temple was originally located in Majapahit (Wilatikta), East Java. However, during the reign of King Dalem Waturenggong, after he was purified (mabersih ceremony) and confirmed as a priest (Bhagawan) by Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra, Dalem Waturenggong asked Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra to request that Ida Bhatara who resides in Pura Dalem Gandamayu Majapahit also resides in Bali. At the request of Dalem Waturenggong, with the meditation ability of Dang Hyang Dwijendra, he finally got a clue of a place that shines and smells good which is the place where it is allowed to build Pura Dalem Gandamayu. In accordance with the niskala instructions revealed to Ida Danghyang Dwijendra, Dalem Gandamayu Temple was built in a place that shines and smells good, where the location of the land is flanked by two rivers (teledu nginyah) in the area of Gelgel Traditional Village, Klungkung District, Klungkung Regency.
Pelinggih-pelinggih in Dalem Gandamayu Temple (Source: Author Collection)
Like other temples in Bali, Dalem Gandamayu Temple also consists of three parts, which are Nista Mandala, Madya Mandala, and Utama Mandala. In the Nista Mandala there is an apit surang, while in the Madya Mandala there are Bale Pesanean and Wantilan buildings. In the Main Mandala, there are 7 sacred pelinggih and 2 sacred buildings, each of which has a different function, which are Pelinggih Pesamuan, Pelinggih Bale Ongkara, Pelinggih Sanggaran Agung, Pelinggih Bhatara-Bhatara Dalem Gandamayu, Pelinggih Pesimpangan Rare, Pelinggih Anglurah Agung, Pelinggih Panggungan, Bale Pesanthian, and Bale Pawedan.
- Pelinggih Pesamuan is a pelinggih where the parum (meeting) of Dang Hyang Dwijendra who is Shiva and Dang Hyang Astapaka who is Buddhist.
- Pelinggih Bale Ongkara is a pelinggih for requesting knowledge.
- Pelinggih Sanggaran Agung is a pelinggih to worship Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.
- Pelinggih Bhatara-Bhatara Gandamayu is a pelinggih to worship Shiva.
- Pelinggih Pesimpangan Rare is a pelinggih to pray for offspring.
- Pelinggih Anglurah Agung is the pelinggih pengabih (guardian) of Pura Dalem Gandamayu.
- Panggungan is a pelinggih where upakara is placed during piodalan.
- Bale Pesanthian is a place for mewirama.
- Bale Pawedan as a place for Ida Pedanda to worship.
On certain days, Dalem Gandamayu Temple is the place to hold religious ceremonies. Hindus descended from Dang Hyang Dwijendra from all over Bali will come to this temple to pray and ask for blessings to Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra. The ceremony held at this temple is also a place for togetherness and solidarity between Hindus.
Furthermore, Mangku Dalem Gandamayu Temple also said that for descendants of Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra who forget the existence of Dalem Gandamayu Temple, they will be faced with pain and misery. According to the teachings inherited from generation to generation, the spiritual relationship with the temple is considered the foundation of prosperity and harmony for every descendant of Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra.
The importance of preserving and honoring Dalem Gandamayu Temple is not only a religious obligation, but also a form of respect for precious ancestors. The tribulations that may be experienced by those who neglect the existence of this temple are believed to be the result of spiritual imbalances that can affect daily life. Therefore, people who have the lineage of Ida Dang Hyang Dwijendra are convinced that maintaining and respecting Dalem Gandamayu Temple is a crucial step to achieving a prosperous and harmonious life.