Lubdaka Ar: Delving into the Richness of Balinese Folklore through Augmented Reality Technology
In the rapid flow of technological advancement, Lubdaka AR emerges as a bridge between tradition and the digital age, bringing Balinese folklore to a more modern stage. This Augmented Reality (AR) based application presents a collection of pupuh Sekar Alit, a Balinese cultural treasure rich in beauty and wisdom.

Folklore is defined as stories from the past that are retold in the present. Balinese folklore is mostly delivered by storytelling for children, which Bali calls mesatua. As time goes by, there are many challenges in delivering stories for children. One of the challenges is from the side of parents who tend to be busy and lack the time to deliver stories to their children. Another challenge related to technological development is the attraction of television or games on gadgets. In addition, folklore is not presented in an attractive manner compared to stories from abroad that are supported by digital media.
Augmented Reality Display on Lubdaka AR
Lubdaka AR appears as a gateway to the magical world of Balinese folklore. Using AR technology on Android smartphones, users are invited to experience and enjoy the beauty of Balinese folklore, namely Lubdaka designed with unique markers. When the application's camera recognizes the marker, users will be exposed to a stunning visual experience of each page of the story.
Not only entertainment, Lubdaka AR also serves as an educational tool. Through Balinese folktales presented in AR format, the app takes users on a character learning journey, conveying the values of local wisdom in an engaging and interactive way. Thus, the younger generation remains connected to their cultural roots, despite being in the modern digital era.
Photo Features
Of course, maintaining the sustainability of folklore is not easy. Lack of time and parents' interest in telling folktales to children is one of the big challenges. However, the presence of Lubdaka AR makes Balinese folklore more accessible and more interesting for today's children. Behind its beauty, Lubdaka AR also brings hope for the sustainability of Balinese culture to future generations. By combining modern technology with old traditions, this application is an important milestone in the effort to preserve Bali's cultural heritage.
3D Character and Scene Object Modeling View
Thus, Lubdaka AR is not just an app, but also a step forward in introducing Bali's rich culture to the modern world. Through AR technology, we can explore the magic of Balinese folklore in a new and exciting way, while still honoring and celebrating our heritage.
Source: "Mobile Augmented Reality Application of Balinese Stories: Lubdaka AR", I Nyoman Adi Tri Ginarsaa, I Ketut Gede Darma Putraa, I Made Suwija Putra, Information Technology Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, JITTER (Scientific Journal of Technology and Computers), 2022.