Dewata VR: Revealing the Majesty of the Nawa Sanga Gods through Virtual Reality Technology

In Hinduism, the Nawa Sanga Gods are known as the nine manifestations of God that rule and guard the winds. However, how can the younger generation understand the majesty and power of these Gods? The answer is through DewataVR, a revolutionary Android-based application that utilizes Virtual Reality (VR) technology to provide an immersive learning experience.

May 3, 2024 - 04:00
May 3, 2024 - 04:10
Dewata VR: Revealing the Majesty of the Nawa Sanga Gods through Virtual Reality Technology
Virtual Reality Arena Model View

So far, learning about Dewata Nawa Sanga is often only through books and tables, which sometimes makes the learning process less interesting and less effective. DewataVR comes as an innovative solution that combines 3D visualization technology with an interactive approach, making every learning session more fun and effective.

Dewata VR Main Menu Display

By utilizing the Gyroscope Sensor and Compass Sensor, DewataVR is able to create a realistic virtual experience. The Gyroscope Sensor detects gravity movements, while the Compass Sensor displays the cardinal directions of each of the Nawa Sanga Gods. As if being above the clouds, users will be invited to explore the world of the Gods, seeing 3D objects of gods, goddesses, rides, weapons, to in-depth information about the colors, characters, and shrines controlled by each God.

Virtual Reality Display of Dewa Iswara

Through DewataVR, users not only see and read, but also feel and understand. Every detail about Dewata Nawa Sanga is explained with an in-depth audio narration, ensuring that every information is conveyed clearly and arouses curiosity.

3D Model of Garuda as a Vehicle of Lord Vishnu

DewataVR is not just an application, but a representation of efforts to preserve and appreciate Balinese local wisdom. With increasingly advanced technology, DewataVR is a bridge that connects the younger generation with the traditions and noble wisdom of Dewata Nawa Sanga.


Let us together maintain and appreciate Balinese traditions and culture. DewataVR is an innovative step that can bring us closer to the beauty and wisdom of the noble traditions of Dewata Nawa Sanga.


Source: "Design and Build Virtual Reality Application for the Introduction of the Android-Based Dewata Nawa Sanga", Ni Nyoman Wahyu Rudiasti, Final Project of Information Technology Study Program, 2017.