Dharmagita Chatbot: A New Innovation in Interactive Dharmagita Learning
Bali is an island rich in religious and cultural aspects that are unparalleled and closely related to the lives of its people. The ceremony in Hinduism is called Yadnya. Dharmagita, one of the important parts of the yadnya ceremony in Hinduism. This art has now stepped forward with the creation of an interesting innovation, namely the interactive Chatbot Telgram as a new learning method in learning Dharmagita.

In Bali, a Telegram-based chatbot has been created, a platform that is suitable for use because it provides the Telegram Bot API. This is an innovative step to spread and enrich the knowledge of Dharmagita among the Hindu community, especially the younger generation. By utilizing technology that is inherent in everyday life, it is expected to increase understanding and interest in our cultural heritage, especially the Dharmagita.
This chatbot allows users to easily obtain information about Dharmagita and its relationship with Yadnya Ceremony by simply sending a text message. Thus, access to religious and cultural knowledge becomes easier and faster, allowing the younger generation to learn more effectively.
Telegram Initial View of Dharmagita Chatbot
This is an important step in harmonizing tradition with modern technology. By using Chatbot, we are not only expanding access to religious knowledge, but also updating the way we learn and interact with our cultural heritage.
Dharmagita and Ceremony Information Display
This innovation also brings new hope in maintaining Dharmagita's existence amidst the rapid development of technology. By packaging traditional knowledge in a more modern and interactive form, it is hoped that the younger generation will be more interested and connected to their cultural heritage.
In a broader context, the Dharmagita Chatbot also reflects the potential of technology in advancing religious and cultural learning in Indonesia. By utilizing tools such as chatbots, we can open the door to a deeper and more thorough knowledge of our cultural heritage, ensuring that traditional values remain alive and relevant in the digital age.
Dharmagita Audio Display
As such, the Dharmagita chatbot is a promising innovative step in meeting the challenges of religious and cultural learning in the modern era. With technology as a partner, our cultural heritage can continue to thrive and shine in the eyes of future generations.
Source: "Implementation of Chatbot in Dharmagitha Learning System", Ni Putu Utari Dyani Laksmi