Haunted! The 700 Year Old Giant Eucalyptus Tree is said to often Sing the Sound of Gambelan Gender

The Giant White Wood Tree in the Traditional Village of Bayan, Tabanan, Bali, is a natural wonder that has thrived for over 700 years. With a height reaching 75 meters and a diameter of 6 meters, this tree exudes a powerful spiritual ambiance and is often used as a place for meditation. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature while making a "donation" for the preservation of this sacred site, reflecting humility and a commitment to Bali's cultural values. The Giant White Wood Tree is not only a tourist attraction but also a window to the natural treasure and valuable spiritual wisdom of Bali.

Nov 9, 2023 - 06:26
Nov 8, 2023 - 20:14
Haunted! The 700 Year Old Giant Eucalyptus Tree is said to often Sing the Sound of Gambelan Gender

Giant White Wood Tree of Bayan (Source: Personal Collection)


Amidst the enchanting natural beauty of Bali, a unique natural wonder is hidden away in Bayan Traditional Village, Tabanan. It goes by the name of the White Wood Tree, a giant tree that has stood tall for over 700 years. This tree is located in the area of Babakan Temple, Bayan Traditional Village, Tua Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency.


The White Wood Tree is one of the remarkable giant trees in Banjar Bayan, Tua Village, Marga District. Standing at a height of approximately 75 meters with a diameter of about 6 meters, this tree captivates anyone who lays eyes on it. Its majestic and sturdy presence exudes a strong sense of spirituality and mystique for the local community.


According to information provided by the caretakers of the Kayu Putih tourist attraction, who are also responsible for Babakan Temple, the tree is estimated to be around 700 years old, in line with the age of Bayan Traditional Village. However, there is a belief that the tree predates the construction of Babakan Temple. The temple itself was built during the reign of King Perean in the 15th century. If this is true, then the tree has been growing since the 1300s.


The caretakers of the tourist attraction and the guardians of Babakan Temple explain that the tree serves as a draw for visitors. With its extraordinary height and unique shape, the tree often becomes a place of meditation for those seeking tranquility. Additionally, visitors frequently capture moments by taking photos around this giant tree.


Not only does this attraction offer a spiritual experience, but it also provides trekking opportunities with beautiful views of the surrounding rice fields. This becomes one of the ways for visitors to enjoy the enchanting natural beauty of Bali.


What makes the White Wood Tree in Bayan Traditional Village, Tabanan, even more special is its unique entrance fee system. When arriving at the ticket counter, visitors are greeted with words that are rarely heard at other tourist spots, namely "Seikhlasnya," which translates to "as much as you're willing to give." This is a form of responsibility towards the presence of tourists in this sacred environment.


The caretakers of Babakan Temple, located right next to the White Wood Tree, prefer to refer to it as a "donation." This decision is not without reason. It reflects humility and a commitment to the spiritual and cultural values that are highly important to the local community. Visitors not only get to enjoy the natural wonder but also contribute to the preservation and upkeep of this sacred site. It's an experience that allows tourists to delve into the depth of Bali's culture while enjoying its natural beauty.


In addition to the beauty and serenity of the White Wood Tree, this giant tree also holds a mystical allure. Locals often hear the sounds of gamelan gender emanating from the tree. Mystical stories also associate the tree with musical instruments and weaponry from ancient royal times, supposedly buried beneath this tree. This adds to the mystique of the White Wood Tree, making it a place of meditation for spiritual seekers.


Giant White Wood Tree of Bayan (Source: Personal Collection)


The White Wood Tree in Bayan Traditional Village, Tabanan, is indeed one of Bali's precious treasures that must be carefully preserved. As a symbol of harmony between nature and culture, this giant tree also signifies the awareness of the need to preserve valuable natural and spiritual heritage. Visitors who come here will not only be enchanted by its natural beauty but will also feel the spiritual power flowing in its peaceful and serene environment.


As a place for meditation and reflection, the White Wood Tree teaches us to connect with nature and contemplate the depth of history and cultural significance. It's a place where nature and spirit unite, and where visitors can experience profound tranquility and beauty. Thus, the White Wood Tree in Tua Village, Tabanan, is not just an ordinary tourist destination but also a window to Bali's precious natural treasures and spiritual wisdom.


While there isn't a definitive explanation for the name of this giant tree, some refer to it as the White Wood Tree due to the white color on its trunk. It is also associated with the banyan tree species because of its location in Banjar Bayan, which sounds similar to "Ficus" in Latin, a type of banyan tree. The nearby Babakan Temple also enriches the history of this place, built during the reign of King Perean.


The name "Babakan" itself has connections to the tree's bark being used for traditional medicine. What's even more intriguing is that the White Wood Tree has been standing long before the construction of Babakan Temple, holding countless stories and mysteries within its majestic trunk.


The White Wood Tree in Bayan Traditional Village, Tabanan, is not only a captivating natural beauty but also a historical landmark and spiritual place for many. Its unique and mystical presence will continue to invite visitors from all over the world to come and experience the profound natural wonder of Bali.