Taman Beji Samuan: A Sacred Tourist Destination for Seeking Healing, Love, and Offspring

Not only does Bali serve as a regular tourist destination, but it can also be a compelling choice for a spiritual journey that shouldn't be missed. Taman Beji Samuan, one of the sacred places for Hindu worshippers to cleanse themselves, sees numerous visitors seeking healing, luck in love, and the blessings of a happy offspring.

Sep 9, 2023 - 07:19
Sep 10, 2023 - 17:47
Taman Beji Samuan: A Sacred Tourist Destination for Seeking Healing, Love, and Offspring

The Entrance to Taman Beji Samuan (Source: Editorial Collection) 


Taman Beji Samuan, a captivating and culturally rich place in Balinese Hindu culture, is located in the Carangsari Village, Petang District, Badung Regency, Bali. Nestled within a serene valley, just a few steps from the banks of the Yeh Penet River, Taman Beji Samuan is a place that enthralls with its natural beauty.


Upon entering this beautiful garden, visitors are immediately charmed by the allure of Bali's untouched and preserved natural scenery, evoking a profound sense of tranquility and grandeur. Amidst this stunning environment, one can truly grasp the richness of Bali's cultural identity. Understanding Bali's cultural wealth is a unique experience. An aspect that distinguishes this experience is the journey to the bathing pool. Here, visitors must descend approximately 200 steps.


Upon descending these steps, the enchanting natural beauty within Taman Beji Samuan is unveiled. There is a beautiful main pool that is meticulously maintained. But it's not just one, and not even two, this pool comprises a total of seven enchanting springs. Each of these springs bears a unique name in the Balinese language, adding to the spiritual significance of this place. These seven springs are named Gangga, Saraswati, Kausika, Sindhu, Sarayu, and lastly, Yamuna. Each spring has its own distinct essence and purpose, contributing to the holistic experience of Taman Beji Samuan.


Beyond being a tourist attraction, Taman Beji Samuan also serves as a destination for local visitors, particularly for the Hindu community. It is a place where people come to purify themselves, seeking spiritual cleansing known as "Melukat" .


Accessibility to Taman Beji Samuan is quite straightforward. With the help of Google Maps, visitors can simply enter the keyword "Taman Beji Samuan", and the application will provide clear and precise directions to reach this tranquil sanctuary. This accessibility ensures that visitors can comfortably enjoy the beauty and serenity of this sacred place without worrying about getting lost.


The Melukat Pool of Taman Beji Samuan (Source: Editorial Collection)

Melukat, derived from the word "Sulukat", where "Su" signifies "good" and "lukat" signifies "purification" or "cleansing", is a significant aspect of the Hindu belief system. In the Hindu context, Melukat is an act of purifying oneself from negative karma and sins accumulated in daily life.


Moreover, visitors who come to Taman Beji Samuan also offer prayers and hopes for healing from various ailments. They believe that the sacred waters from these springs possess incredible healing powers. Special prayers are offered during the Melukat ceremony to request healing for the sick.


In addition to seeking healing, many visitors come to Taman Beji Samuan in search of luck in finding a life partner. Pilgrims pray to find the right life partner and cultivate a happy relationship. They believe that participating in Melukat and prayers here can open the door to love and romance.


The profound tradition of Melukat is also often associated with the hope for children from loving relationships. Couples who wish to have children may come to Taman Beji Samuan to seek blessings and the grace of Sang Hyang Widhi, the creator deity in Balinese Hinduism.


The tradition of Melukat as a significant practice in the Hindu belief system, aiming to cleanse and attain spiritual purity, enriches the spiritual experience when practiced with deep conviction. Melukat not only cleanses the body but also the soul, helping individuals draw closer to the gods and goddesses in Hinduism. It also transforms Bali into a cross-religious pilgrimage destination. In the journey of spirituality, melukat is a vital step towards a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe.