The Tek Cor Tradition: Unveiling the History and Uniqueness of Tegal Traditional Village's Heritage
The Tek Cor Tradition of Tegal Traditional Village is a unique practice blending customary and administrative functions to count the population while offering kepeng as a contribution to the village. This tradition employs simple tools like bamboo or wood to produce sounds marking the number of households. Beyond its practical purpose, Tek Cor embodies values of unity, social responsibility, and the philosophy of transparency, serving as a cultural identity of the village. Despite the rise of modernization, the community remains committed to preserving this tradition as a treasured cultural heritage.
Bali, with its profound cultural heritage and timeless traditions, holds unique stories in every traditional village. One such gem is the Tek Cor tradition from Tegal Traditional Village. This practice embodies local wisdom in maintaining social order, particularly in population tracking and the allocation of kepeng (traditional currency) based on the number of family members.
Tegal Traditional Village (Source: Personal Collection)
The History and Origins of Tek Cor
The Tek Cor tradition has been preserved across generations in Tegal Village. Unlike many Balinese traditions centered on religious rituals, Tek Cor plays a vital administrative role within the community.
The name Tek Cor derives from the sound “tek,” produced by striking a hard object like bamboo or wood, and “cor,” which represents the resulting echo. Initially, this tradition was a simple, yet ingenious method to account for the village population, including family heads, by leveraging local wisdom.
The Implementation of Tek Cor
Tek Cor is typically performed periodically, either before major village ceremonies or for customary administrative purposes. Closely tied to the Ngerebeg ritual, it requires each family to present kepeng proportional to their household members. Villagers gather at the bale banjar or a communal meeting place. Attendance is critical, as every individual must be counted to ensure accurate data. Simple tools, such as bamboo or wooden tubes, are struck to produce the distinct "tek" or "cor" sound for each counted individual.
The process begins with offerings and prayers to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa for a smooth execution.
Offering Kepeng (Source: Personal Collection)
Residents then pass through the counting area one by one, their numbers recorded audibly. Afterward, each household contributes kepeng as a responsibility to the traditional village. The amount corresponds to the number of family members, with the proceeds used for communal activities and development projects.
Philosophy and Significance
Beyond its practical purpose, Tek Cor conveys profound values of unity, transparency, and collective responsibility. It underscores the importance of every individual in community life, fostering trust and harmony among villagers.
Unity and Mutual Cooperation in the Implementation of the Tek Cor Tradition (Source: Personal Collection)
This tradition also symbolizes the identity of Tegal Traditional Village. While modern technology offers alternatives, Tek Cor remains steadfast as a cultural heritage, enriching the community’s values and way of life.
Uniqueness of Tek Cor
The distinctiveness of Tek Cor lies in its manual counting system, which thrives amidst the digital age. This tradition, steeped in cultural significance, reflects the accountability of each family toward sustaining the village's life.
Tek Cor as an Annual Tradition of Tegal Traditional Village (Source: Personal Collection)
By involving all societal layers, Tek Cor fosters rare moments of togetherness beyond ritual events. Although modernization poses a challenge, Tegal villagers demonstrate unwavering dedication to preserving this legacy. Efforts include integrating Tek Cor into the village’s annual calendar and introducing it to younger generations through educational programs and cultural documentation.