Plengkungan War in Banjar Selat Tengah: A Tradition as a Reminder of the Past

The Perang Plengkungan tradition in Banjar Selat Tengah, Desa Selat, is a sacred dance performed as part of the Matatagama ceremony. This dance portrays a symbolic battle that represents the struggles of the ancestors and is held during the piodalan at Pura Panataran every Sasih Kapat. In addition to being a form of homage, this dance also symbolizes prayers and hopes for prosperity and the preservation of culture.

Dec 10, 2024 - 02:01
Oct 22, 2024 - 07:20
Plengkungan War in Banjar Selat Tengah: A Tradition as a Reminder of the Past
Tradition of Plengkungan War (Source: Personal Documentation)

Banjar Selat Tengah, located in Desa Selat, Kecamatan Susut, Kabupaten Bangli, is a place where ancient traditions and history remain well-preserved through various sacred ceremonies. One of the traditions passed down through generations by the local community is the Matatagama Ceremony, which is held during each piodalan at Pura Penataran Bale Agung, Banjar Selat Tengah. The highlight of this ceremony is the sacred performance of the Tari Perang Plengkungan, a dance imbued with profound spiritual and symbolic meaning.

Matatagama Ceremony (Source: Personal Documentation)

The Matatagama Ceremony is a religious ritual performed by the community of Banjar Selat Tengah as a form of respect to their ancestors and the natural forces believed to maintain the village’s balance. Etymologically, "Matatagama" comes from the word "tata," meaning rules, and "agama," meaning teachings or doctrine, making this ceremony an expression of faith carried out according to traditional rules. This ceremony plays an important role in preserving spiritual harmony between humans, ancestors, and nature, while also strengthening the cultural identity of the local community. The series of Matatagama rituals begins with the Nganyarin procession, which involves symbolic war dances, followed by various offerings such as Canang Rebong and Canang Pangraos. The climax of the ceremony is the Tari Perang Plengkungan, which symbolizes a symbolic resistance against negative forces, while also serving as a means of spiritual communication with the ancestors. This ceremony remains a fundamental pillar in the social and spiritual life of Banjar Selat Tengah, continuously preserved as a legacy of their ancestors.

Opening the Ceremony with Symbolic Rituals (Source: Personal Documentation)

Nganyarin is the opening ritual in the Matatagama ceremony, presenting various symbolic war performances as a tribute to the gods and ancestors. In this ritual, the Penyarikan, serving as the Pemucuk Adat (customary leader), performs a dance in a trance or semi-conscious state, symbolizing their spiritual connection to the unseen world. During the Nganyarin ceremony, the Dulu under the leadership of the Penyarikan are selected to perform a symbolic war dance using items such as spears, sate, and kober (sacred banners). This performance holds symbolic meaning, depicting a spiritual battle intended to maintain the balance between the physical and spiritual realms.

The Nganyarin ritual is performed twice, namely Nganyarin Puri Kanginan and Nganyarin Puri Kawanan, reflecting the balance between two different directions of the puri (temple). Each stage of Nganyarin strengthens the spiritual connection of the Banjar Selat Tengah community with their ancestors and the forces of nature, serving as a tangible expression of maintaining harmony in their lives.

Tari Perang Plengkungan: The Pinnacle of Sacred Performances (Source: Personal Documentation)

After Nganyarin is performed, the highlight of the Matatagama ceremony is the Tari Perang Plengkungan, which is staged at night, usually precisely at 12:00 AM WITA, when the atmosphere is illuminated by moonlight with minimal artificial lighting. This dance becomes the main attraction, not only offering a performance filled with symbolic meaning but also holding profound spiritual depth.

Tari Perang Plengkungan symbolizes the symbolic resistance against threats and challenges faced by the ancestors in the past. The community of Banjar Selat Tengah views this dance as a representation of the spiritual and physical strength needed to protect the village from evil forces, both visible and invisible. Historically, this dance is a form of respect for the ancestors who played a role in safeguarding the village’s peace. The dancers, who come from the krama Banjar Selat Tengah, particularly from the ketekan Bale Agung group, prepare themselves both physically and ritually to perform this sacred duty.

Tari Perang Plengkungan is always performed during the Ageng Puri Kawan, where the night and the moonlight become silent witnesses to this sacred ritual. The lack of artificial lighting creates a mystical atmosphere, adding to the sanctity of the performance. The people of Banjar Selat Tengah believe that during this time, spiritual forces are present and imbue the dance, making it not just an artistic performance but also a purification process and spiritual communication with the ancestors.

Symbolism and Preparations in the Matatagama Ceremony

Before the ceremony begins, the people of Banjar Selat Tengah prepare various offerings that carry symbolic meanings aimed at maintaining spiritual balance. Some key elements in these preparations include:

Canang Rebong: This canang is made from yellow marigold flowers, adorned with white flowers on top. It is placed on a dulang (tray) and covered with a kind of decorative cloth, and is prepared in four pieces. This symbol is used as an offering to the ancestors and gods, representing purity and spiritual balance. The offering is dedicated to the ancestors and deities, symbolizing harmony between the human world and divine forces, a profound respect for life and the broader universe.

Canang Rebong (Source: Personal Documentation)

Karangan Kawisan: The karangan and kawisan are wrapped in banana leaves and adorned with pucuk bang flowers at the top. These flowers will later be used during the main procession, symbolizing purity and deep reverence for spiritual forces. During the peak of the procession, the pucuk bang flowers play a crucial role as a marker of profound respect for the spiritual powers honored in the tradition, strengthening the connection between the physical world and the spiritual realm.

Karangan Kawisan (Source: Personal Documentation)

Canang Pangraos: This offering is placed on a taledan (tray) and contains items such as tobacco, areca nut, gambir, lime, betel leaf, cigarettes, and matches. On top of it is a small dish filled with sandalwood water, bija, perfume, and fragrant flowers placed in a tangkih (container). Canang Pangraos symbolizes communication with the spiritual world through the offering of taste (pangraos). Not only crafted with aesthetic beauty, this offering is prepared in four pieces, each representing an essential element of spiritual balance. It is dedicated to ancestors and deities, symbolizing harmony between the human world and divine forces, a profound respect for life and the universe at large.

Canang Pangraos (Source: Personal Documentation)

After the symbolic preparations are complete, the ceremony continues with a meaningful procession, accompanied by prayers and traditional music that creates a sacred atmosphere. The incense smoke carries the prayers to the gods and ancestors, while the canang offerings are placed on the altar as an expression of gratitude. This procession reflects the spiritual balance between humans, nature, and divine forces. Each symbol in the ceremony, such as flowers, leaves, and holy water, holds deep philosophical meaning, representing essential elements of life. At its peak, the final prayer is recited, inviting everyone present to reflect on the harmonious relationship between humanity, nature, and spiritual forces.

Matatagama Ceremony Procession

The ceremony begins with various stages that hold sacred and symbolic functions, including:
1. Ngulkul: The procession starts by striking a kentongan (wooden slit drum) to announce the beginning of the ceremony.
2. Berpakaian (Mabulet Ginting): The participants dress in traditional attire as part of the ceremony's custom.
3. Nangkil at Puri Kanginan and Puri Kawanan: As a form of respect, the participants make spiritual visits to two different puri directions, symbolizing the balance between two primary spiritual forces.
4. Nunas Ceciren (Pamor): A request for blessings and spiritual protection.
5. Metek Malang and Mapetek: These are parts of the preparatory ritual before participants enter Bale Agung, the central place of the ceremony.
6. Hand Washing (Using Yeh Procot, Yeh Ning Wadah Beruk): A purification ritual before proceeding to the next stages.
7. Nunas Nasi (Nyaag), Nunas Tetabuhan (toya, tuak, arak), and Nunas Lekesan: These offerings are made to ask for prosperity, abundance, and peace for the entire Banjar Selat Tengah community.
8. Muspa (Mabunga Pucuk Bang): A prayer ritual using pucuk bang flowers, symbolizing the offering of prayers to ancestors and deities.
9. Nyiatang Canang Rebong, Sate Kelupak, and Cadik Celeng: These offerings represent various spiritual aspects and protection sought during the ceremony.
10. Dulu Teben Maperang Using Spears: This is part of the symbolic war procession, where participants follow the Penyarikan to perform a symbolic war dance representing the spiritual fight against negative forces.
11. Nunas Tirta (Mabakti, Puput): The ceremony concludes with purification using holy water, symbolizing the spiritual closure of the entire ceremony.

After the entire procession is completed, the Matatagama Ceremony reaches its peak with reverence. Each stage serves not only as a tribute to the ancestors and deities but also as a way to maintain balance between the physical and spiritual realms. By following the symbolism passed down through generations, the people of Banjar Selat Tengah believe that this ceremony strengthens their connection with the sacred forces that protect the village.

Sacredness Illuminated by Moonlight (Source: Personal Documentation)

With the entire series of ceremonies held with sincere dedication, the Matatagama Ceremony and the Tari Perang Plengkungan tradition in Banjar Selat Tengah demonstrate the importance of the community’s relationship with their ancestors. Every movement, symbol, and component of the dance reflects their respect and devotion to the forces of nature that have maintained the balance of the village. The sacredness, which has been carefully preserved from generation to generation, keeps this tradition alive, serving as a vital pillar in the spiritual and cultural life of Banjar Selat Tengah.

Through the preservation of this tradition, the people of Banjar Selat Tengah continue to strengthen their ancestral heritage, ensuring that their connection with nature, ancestors, and deities remains intact. This meaningful tradition not only symbolizes resistance against past threats but also serves as a means to reinforce harmony between the physical and spiritual worlds. By continually upholding this ceremony, the people of Banjar Selat Tengah succeed in maintaining the balance and noble values inherited from their ancestors.