Masceti,Pura Agung Kentel Gumi : Bali's Protective Spiritual Fortress
Pura Agung Kentel Gumi, located in Tusan Village, Klungkung, has a close relationship with Mpu Kuturan's journey. This temple, surrounded by five villages in Banjarangkan District, was built with the aim of creating peace in the world. And within the Pura Agung Kentel Gumi, there is one group of temples named Pura Masceti.

As a part of the historical heritage from Mpu Kuturan’s journey to Bali, the Kentel Gumi Temple is designated as Tri Guna Pura or the three heavens on this island. Within it, there is the Masceti Temple which holds an important position in Hindu religious philosophy. The term “Masceti” consists of two syllables, namely Mas (light) and Ceti (entrance and exit). The Masceti Temple is also known to play an important role in the interpretation of God’s omnipotence as Sang Hyang Sri Sedhana or the goddess of prosperity.
Among the temples in Bali, the Agung Kentel Gumi Temple is one of the important temples as Kahyangan Jagat, as a place of worship for the Balinese Hindu community. Here, the Kentel Gumi Temple, which is a significant element in the network of temples in Bali, serves as a place of worship for Ida Sang Hyang Reka Bhuwana, the creator of the universe. This temple also includes the Masceti Temple group, which has places of worship for Dewa Sadha Siwa and Siwa, Gunung Agung, Bhatara Segara, Ngerurah, and Kemulan Bumi. The Piodalan ceremony is held every Weraspati Manis Wuku Dungulan or Umanis Galungan. This temple, located in Tusan Village, Banjarangkan, Klungkung, plays a crucial role in protecting Bali from various threats.
Masceti Temple Group Area (Source : Private Collection)
The Masceti Temple consists of seven sacred buildings or palinggih. Some forms of palinggih in the Masceti Temple include: Gedong Penyimpenan Pelinggih, Pesamuhan Pelinggih, Bali Piyasan Pelinggih, Gedong Ratu Masceti Pelinggih, Gedong Sari Pelinggih, Pangrurah Pelinggih, and Panggungan. The rest serve as pesimpangan palinggih. The Masceti Temple group in the Kentel Gumi Temple, located in Tusan Village, Banjarangkan, Klungkung, has places of worship for Dewa Sadha Siwa and Siwa, Gunung Agung, Batara Segara, Ngerurah, and Kemulan Bumi. Their Piodalan ceremony is held every Weraspati Manis Wuku Dungulan or Umanis Galungan. This Kentel Gumi Temple holds a significant role in the network of temples in Bali and serves as a spiritual fortress to protect Bali from various threats.
Masceti Temple Group Area (Source : Private Collection)
This temple has a strong connection with the journey of Mpu Kuturan. Located in the Banjarangkan District, it serves as a symbol of the restoration of Bali Island. The Masceti Temple, which is part of the Kentel Gumi Temple complex, has influenced the religious development of the community in Pakraman Tusan Village, Banjarangkan District, Klungkung Regency. This is related to the identity, cultural development, and the continuously growing economy of the community. Here, we can also trace the historical spiritual journey of Mpu Kuturan, which has brought balance and peace to the social life of the Balinese community.
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