Spiritual Journey in Bali: Embracing the Power of Health at Pura Luhur Tamba Waras
The island of Bali is famous for its rich customs and strong culture, as well as for its tourist beauty and diverse scenery. Bali island is also known as the island of a thousand temples. The temple is a sacred place to perform prayers for Hindus, besides functioning as a place of worship to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi, the temple is also one of the places to foster a sense of devotion among others and strengthen the relationship with God in the form of Niskala.

Tabanan Regency is one of the regencies located on the island of Bali which has a variety of beautiful tourist attractions. In addition to tourist objects, in Tabanan Regency there are also many temples that are often visited by locals and tourists. One of them is Pura Luhur Tamba Waras. Pura Luhur Tamba Waras is located so close to Mount Batukaru, precisely in Sangketan Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Geographically, this temple is located on the southern slope of Mount Batukaru, which is at an altitude of about 725 meters above sea level. Pura Luhur Tamba Waras or also called Tambo Waras is believed to be the pharmacy warehouse of the universe.
Pura Luhur Tamba Waras is thought to have been built around the 12th century during the Tabanan kingdom. According to some historical records, the King of Tabanan, Cokorda Tabanan, was very ill and no treatment was found for his illness. Once upon a time, a messenger was sent to find medicine according to the supernatural instructions received, the supernatural instructions referred to were in the form of puffs of smoke rising from the ground. After the messenger from the king walked in the Batukaru forest, there was smoke coming from a coconut on the ground, which was in a bamboo clump. Upon seeing the smoke, the king's messenger immediately asked for medicine for the king's recovery in that place, and medicine was obtained. After the medicine was given to the king, the king was healed and healthy again. As a form of honor and glorification, in that place a place of worship was built called Tamba Waras which is now the Pura Luhur Tamba Waras.
Stairs Leading to Pura Luhur Tamba Waras (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
The word Tamba Waras comes from two words, tamba and waras. Tamba means medicine, while waras means normal or healed. Pura Luhur Tamba Waras means the worship of the power of manifestation of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi in the function as a provider of the pharmaceutical warehouse of the universe. Thus the request for safety, health, wisdom to achieve prosperity is the object of worship in this temple. Inner and outer health is the initial capital to be able to live life properly. Pura Tamba Waras is the power of grace in the field of inner and outer health and the preservation of the universe. In addition to physical health or physical strength, to get inner health and be able to live a good life requires wisdom, honesty, and nobility of heart. Both of these can be requested at this temple, either by doing yoga or performing rituals based on a pure heart to ask for His blessings.
Puru Luhur Tamba Waras is divided into three areas (mandala) namely nista mandala, madya mandala, and utama mandala. Nista mandala is the lowest or outermost area of the temple, this area is usually the place to make preparations for Yadnya or offerings. In this nista mandala area, there are several buildings (bales) including Bale Patirtan, Bale Panitia, and Bale Gong.
Nista Mandala Area of Pura Luhur Tamba Waras (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
Next is the madya mandala, the madya mandala area is an area that is in the middle after the nista mandala and before the utama mandala. In this madya mandala, there are several pelinggih and sacred buildings. On the south side there are Bale Kulkul, Bale Pegat, and Bale Gong. On the west side there is a Bale Agung, then stretching from west to east there are Bale Ajengan, Pelinggih Gaduh Dewa, Pelinggih Apit Lawang, Pelinggih Jero Ketut, and Pelinggih Keriyinan Pasek. While on the east side there is Bale Pemayasan.
Madya Mandala Area of Pura Luhur Tamba Waras (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
The last or main area is the utama mandala, to enter the utama mandala the worshipper will pass through a bentar temple complete with Pelinggih Apit Lawang. Entering the utama mandala area, worshipers will be greeted with two temples named Pelinggih Ratu Wayan and Pelinggih Ratu Nyoman. In the utama mandala there are also several pelinggih and sacred buildings, including on the north side there is Bale Asep, Pelinggih Jatiluwih, Pelinggih Melanting, Pelinggih Tanah Lot, and there are also bebaturan or pelinggih called Pelinggih Pesimpangan Pucak Kedaton, Pelinggih Mukian, and Pelinggih Pesimpangan Gunung Agung, Peliggih Taksu, Pelinggih Rambut Sedana, and Pelinggih Catur Mujung. While on the east side there are Pelinggih Gedong Simpen, Pelinggih Menjangan Seluang, and a Bale Aket. On the west side stands a Bale Committee, Bale Pemayasan, and Pelinggih Wanara.
Utama Mandala Area of Pura Luhur Tamba Waras (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
As a temple that is known to give the gift of health both sekala and niskala, in the temple area there is a special temple for making medicine, in the form of a fireplace called Pelinggih Hyang Geni with a number of equipment such as pans and medicinal ingredients. The ingredients consist of eucalyptus leaves picked directly from the center jaba area of the temple as well as several herbs and oils. All the ingredients are then boiled using firewood. In addition to asking for medicine, many devotees ask for offspring for those who do not have offspring.
It is important for us as the next generation of the nation to preserve the culture and ancestral heritage of our own homeland, one of which is this Pura Luhur Tamba Waras. Ancestral heritage is a reflection of our cultural identity. If our cultural heritage is extinct, our cultural identity will be lost and will not be recognized by future generations. Therefore, let us together maintain the preservation and resilience of the culture of our own homeland, so that one day our culture can be preserved and can be recognized by the next generation to foreign communities. Efforts to preserve our culture can be done through the introduction of the cultural heritage of Pura Luhur Tamba Waras in the internet media so that it can be accessed by the wider community. In addition, we can also visit Pura Luhur Tamba Waras and learn about the origins, culture, traditions, and others so that we can understand the culture we have, and we can provide bounty funds to help develop and preserve temple facilities in the future.