Virtual Exploration of Pura Luhur Tamba Waras
The island of Bali is famous for its rich customs and strong culture, and has a variety of tourist and scenic beauty. Bali island is also known as the island of a thousand temples. In Tabanan Regency there are many temples that are often visited by locals and tourists. One of them is the Luhur Tamba Waras Temple. Pura Luhur Tamba Waras is located so close to Mount Batukaru, precisely in Sangketan Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Geographically, this temple is located on the southern slope of Mount Batukaru, which is at an altitude of about 725 meters above sea level. Pura Luhur Tamba Waras or also called Tambo Waras is believed to be the pharmacy storehouse of the universe.