Tag: #Hindu

Melasti Tradition: A Procession of Purification of Self...

The Melasti procession is an important Hindu ritual performed ahead of Nyepi to ...

Usaba Dangsil: A Captivating Spiritual Ritual in Bungay...

Usaba Dangsil, also known as Usaba Gede, is a traditional ceremony held once eve...

Behind the Scenes of Rejang Sari: The Hidden Charm in E...

Rejang Sari is one of the sacred dances that holds a special place in Balinese c...

Narasimha Avatara: The Destroyer of Tyranny

Narasimha, the half-man, half-lion manifestation of Lord Vishnu, appears to esta...

Endongan and Tamiang in Kuningan: Deep Symbols of Life ...

Endongan and Tamiang are key offerings in Balinese Hindu tradition, especially d...

Samsara Living Museum: A Soul’s Journey Through the Cyc...

At the majestic foot of Mount Agung, hidden among the gentle breezes of a tranqu...

Sarin Taun Tradition: An Expression of Gratitude for Ag...

The Ngaturang Sarin Taun tradition is a ceremonial offering of gratitude to Dewi...

Exploring the Ngusaba Bukakak Tradition: A Sacred Cerem...

Ngusaba Bukakak is a sacred ceremony in North Bali aimed at maintaining the bala...

Metatah Procession: A Tooth-Filing Tradition as a Symbo...

Metatah tradition, also known as tooth-filing, is one of the most important ritu...

Unveiling the Story of the Sukra and Sukri Monument in ...

Two Japanese soldiers, Mutswiso and Harraki, aided Indonesia's independence stru...

The Uniqueness of Ngaben in Nusa Penida: Unveiling the ...

Hidden amidst Bali’s beauty, Nusa Penida reveals the lesser-known charm of the N...

Tantrayana Hindu Historical Relics at Kebo Edan Temple

The Island of the Gods is an island of a thousand temples. The existence of temp...

Penunggun Karang : A Strong Fortress of Skala and Niska...

Did you know that in every Balinese Hindu house there is a monument that is alwa...