Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple: Pasek Gelgel Family Tradition in Angantaka
Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple in Angantaka Traditional Village, Bali, is a kawitan temple to honor Pasek Gelgel's ancestors and preserve family traditions. Odalan is carried out every six months with ngayah activities that strengthen family ties and togetherness between temple residents. The preservation of this tradition is a cultural heritage that is inherited to the younger generation, maintaining the sacredness and identity of the Pasek Gelgel family.

Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple is a kawitan temple that has a deep meaning for the Pasek Gelgel family in Angantaka Traditional Village, Bali. This temple was established as a tribute to the ancestors of Pasek Gelgel who first settled in the Angantaka area. Its existence is not only as a place of worship, but also as a symbol of the unity and strength of the Pasek Gelgel community. At Dadia Temple, the local community gathers to ask for prayers to be given blessings and protection from ancestors. In addition, this temple also plays a role in the preservation of Balinese traditions, especially those related to the customs and culture of Pasek Gelgel.The ancestral relics guarded in this temple are an important part in maintaining the identity and togetherness of the local community.
Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
Like other temples in Bali, Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple has an odalan tradition that is routinely held every six months. This Odalan falls on the day of Anggara Kasih Parangbakat according to the Balinese calendar. The odalan ceremony was held for one full day with a series of events involving all temple owners.
The temple empon, namely a member of the Pasek Gelgel family who lives in the Angantaka Traditional Village, has a great responsibility in the implementation of odalan. They are united to carry out the obligation of ngayah (volunteer work) in preparing ceremonial facilities and infrastructure. This ngayah activity includes making banten (offerings), cleaning the temple area, and assisting in the implementation of ceremonies. Apart from being a responsibility, ngayah activities are also a moment to strengthen family relationships between community members.
The series of odalan events at Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple follows the traditional ceremonial procedures in Bali. Away begins with ngayah to prepare banten and other ceremonial equipment. All temple owners work together to decorate the temple with penjor and other decorations that symbolize beauty and purity.
After the preparations are complete, the ceremony begins with a joint prayer led by the sling. The mourners offered prayers to ask for safety, welfare, and blessings from Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. After the prayer, the procession continued with banten offerings to the ancestors and gods who were stationed at the temple. This activity was closed with a meal together as a symbol of gratitude and togetherness. In this event, all members of the Pasek Gelgel family had the opportunity to share stories and experiences, strengthening the sense of brotherhood.
The innards of Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
In addition to the odalan tradition at Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple, the mourners also have a tradition to go to Punduk Dawa Temple every six months. This tradition is carried out to coincide with odalan at Punduk Dawa Temple. This activity shows the close spiritual relationship between Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple and Punduk Dawa Temple as part of the Pasek Gelgel kawitan temple network.
Punduk Dawa Temple has a special meaning in the spiritual life of the Pasek Gelgel family. This place is believed to be a spiritual center that strengthens connections with ancestors and revered gods. Therefore, going to Punduk Dawa Temple is an inseparable part of the religious life of temple owners. Through this tradition, the believers feel more connected to the values of their ancestors and religious teachings that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
The traditions and activities at Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple are not just religious ceremonies, but also a form of preservation of cultural heritage and noble values of Pasek Gelgel's ancestors. Through ngayah and odalan activities, the younger generation is taught to respect ancestors, maintain traditions, and strengthen family ties in the Pasek Gelgel community.
Efforts to preserve this tradition also include informal education about the symbolic meaning of each part of the ceremony. For example, the younger generation is taught about the philosophy of Banten, the importance of penjor, and the meaning of prayer. With this understanding, it is hoped that they have a sense of pride and responsibility to continue the traditions of their ancestors. In addition, this activity is also a medium to teach life values, such as cooperation, sincerity, and respect for culture. By preserving this tradition, Dadia Pasek Gelgel Angantaka Temple will continue to be a spiritual center and identity symbol for the Pasek Gelgel family in Angantaka. The joint efforts of all temple owners are expected to be able to maintain the sacredness and sustainability of the tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.