Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana Jatiluwih Temple: A Place to Seek Blessings and Life Harmony

Bali is often nicknamed the Island of a Thousand Temples due to its numerous temples. One of the renowned temples is Pura Luhur Sri Rambut Sedana. This temple has a strong connection to the reverence for Bhatara Rambut Sedana or Hyang Rambut Sedana, who symbolizes prosperity and well-being.

Jan 4, 2025 - 06:00
Jan 4, 2025 - 05:58
Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana Jatiluwih Temple: A Place to Seek Blessings and Life Harmony
Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana Temple (Source: Personal Collection)
Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana Jatiluwih Temple: A Place to Seek Blessings and Life Harmony
Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana Jatiluwih Temple: A Place to Seek Blessings and Life Harmony

This temple is located in Jatiluwih Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Its location on the slopes of Mount Batukaru gives it a cool and chilly atmosphere. This Kahyangan Jagat Temple originates from the story of the defeat of the residents of Buduk, Badung, during a battle against the King of Mengwi. The defeated residents of Buduk then fled to the Jatiluwih Village area. They settled in the area by developing plantations.

Unintentionally, the residents found piles of stones which they believed to be a place to pray for safety and prosperity. When the residents worshiped the piles of stones, they miraculously received blessings. This event led many people to come and pray for blessings, and the place was subsequently sanctified by the community. That sacred place was later built into a temple named Pura Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana. The deity worshiped in this temple is Bhatara Rambut Sedhana.

Shrine of Ida Bhatara Batu Ngaus (Source: Personal Collection)

Although located at the foot of a mountain, Pura Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana in Jatiluwih embodies the philosophy of Nyegara Gunung, which represents the sea (segara) and the mountain as complementary entities. This concept is manifested through the presence of a sacred structure (pelinggih) dedicated to Ida Bhatara Segara, the ruler of the ocean.

This shrine is also knwon as a place of worship for Ida Bhatara Batu Ngaus. This sacred place, dedicated to the ruler of the seas, functions to honor the ocean and the marine resources that play a crucial role in the community's life. Alongside the reverence for the sea, there is also a shrine called Gerombong Nakaloka, which signifies respect for the mountainous and forested environment.

Main Shrine of Utama Mandala (Source: Personal Collection)

The temple adopts the Tri Mandala concept (three spatial concepts or three divisions in a temple). The Tri Mandala consists of Utama Mandala (innermost sanctum), Madia Mandala (middle courtyard), and Nista Mandala (outer courtyard).

At Pura Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana, located in Jatiluwih, the Utama Mandala area contains the central shrine dedicated to Bhatara Rambut Sedana. Right behind the main shrine is the Jemeng Linggih for Ida Bhatara Sri. Additionally, there are several other shrines and sacred structures, including a pasimpangan for Ida Bhatara Batu Ngaus, the Pelinggih Gerombong Naga Loka, the Perimpangan Ida Bhatara Suranadi, the Gedong Simpen, the Gedong Jemeng, the Gedong Suranadi, the Pungsing Penyimpangan, the Bale Piasan Ageng, and the Bale Pemelaspas.

In the Madia Mandala, there are shrines dedicated to Ratu Nyoman and Ratu Wayan. In addition to these shrines, there are sacred buildings such as the Bale Pasayuban Pemebek and Apit Lawang. Meanwhile, in the Nista Mandala, Several buildings can be found, such as the Bale Pesamuhan, Bale Kulkul, Bale Gong, Lumbung Agung, Dapur Suci, Bale Penegtegan, and shrines for Ida Bhatara Surya and Ida Bhatara Candra.

Worshippers Praying at Pura Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana (Source: Personal Collection)

In Hindu religious traditions, especially in Bali, Bhatara Rambut Sedhana is regarded as a representation of prosperity and good fortune. Based on this belief, Pura Luhur Sri Rambut Sedhana is trusted as a place to request blessings of wealth and well-being, as well as seeking protection.

As a result, a large number of business practitioners and entrepreneurs often come to pray at this temple. Their main purpose is to seek smooth business operations and economic improvement in their respective fields.