Pemuput Hidup Mati: A Song with Deep Meaning about Life's Transformation

If the song is summarized in a simple sentence, its essence might convey the message of what is the point of living if not useful. Life that does not bring benefits to oneself and others is the same as death. The song Pemuput Hidup Mati reminds us that living with full awareness, meaning, and usefulness is the essence of our existence. Without purpose and contribution, life loses its meaning and is the same as death. Through its lyrics, this song invites us not just to exist, but to live with beneficial values, contribute to the world, and achieve true enlightenment.

Jun 25, 2024 - 20:00
Sep 5, 2024 - 12:34
Pemuput Hidup Mati: A Song with Deep Meaning about Life's Transformation
Ida Pedanda Putra Manuaba


hidupe pemuput mati 

matine pemuput hidup 

rarisang hidup kalaning hidup 

sampunan mati kalaning hidup 

ring hidupe patut hidup sawireh hidupe pemuput mati 

yening tan purun mati sampunan hidup 

yening hidup tur patut hidup tur patut mati


This song was performed by Ida Pedanda Putra Manuaba during the Dharma Wacana event at Jaba Pura Desa Puseh Mengwitani on June 24, 2024, as part of the Yadnya Agung Ngenteg Linggih, Ngusabha Desa, and Mapahayu Nini ceremonies. The original title of the song is unknown, but this writing will give it the title Pemuput Hidup Mati.

The song Pemuput Hidup Mati appears to have simple lyrics but contains deep meaning. At first glance, the lyrics might seem like common expressions about life and death. However, beneath its simplicity, there are philosophical messages that invite listeners to reflect on the true meaning of human existence. Through its light words, this song conveys messages about transformation, renewal, and the journey of life filled with ups and downs.

If we interpret this song literally, we might see it as a depiction of physical life and physical death. Lyrics like "hidupe pemuput mati" can be translated as life that ends death, while "matine pemuput hidup" means death that ends life. In this context, the song depicts the natural cycle of life and death experienced by every living being, showing that every beginning must have an end, and every end may bring a new beginning.

However, if examined more deeply, the lyrics of this song seem to contain much deeper meanings. "Mati" here does not always have to mean physical death but can refer to failure, significant change, or the end of a particular phase in someone's life. Similarly, "hidup" can mean rebirth, transformation, or new enlightenment. This song invites listeners to see life as a series of continuous transformations, where every challenge and change provides an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding of oneself and existence.

Let's first try to interpret the song Pemuput Hidup Mati literally as related to the natural cycle of life and physical death. Every living being will eventually experience death, and every death marks the end of one cycle of life.

Hidupe pemuput mati (Life is the end of death): Life is an opportunity that begins after the previous death. New life ends the previous state of death in the cycle of reincarnation or renewal.

Matine pemuput hidup (Death is the end of life): Death is the closure of the physical journey of life. It acknowledges that every living being will eventually die as part of the natural cycle.

Rarisang hidup kalaning hidup (Prepare for life during life): During life, we must prepare ourselves to live well and face death calmly.

Sampunan mati kalaning hidup (Don't die while still living): Don't let ourselves "die" physically or lose the spirit of life before its time.

Ring hidupe patut hidup (In life, one must live): Life should be lived wholeheartedly and meaningfully.

Sawireh hidupe pemuput mati (Because life is the end of death): Life is an opportunity to end the previous cycle of death and start anew.

Yening tan purun mati sampunan hidup (If not ready to die, don't live): Life should be lived with awareness of death. If we are not ready to face death, we cannot live fully.

Yening hidup tur patut hidup tur patut mati (If living, one must live properly and be ready to die): Life should be lived with the right attitude and readiness to face death as part of the life cycle.


Now let's try to understand the deeper meaning in each line of the song. In a more philosophical and spiritual context, "life" and "death" can be interpreted as symbols of various processes of transformation, renewal, and evolution in life.

Hidupe pemuput mati (Life is the end of death): Life can be interpreted as the end of ignorance or foolishness, where we achieve higher enlightenment or consciousness after going through difficult or "symbolic death" periods.

Matine pemuput hidup (Death is the end of life): Death can be seen as the end of a particular phase in life, such as letting go of bad habits, ego, or old identity for transformation and self-renewal.

Rarisang hidup kalaning hidup (Prepare for life during life): In life, we must prepare ourselves for changes and challenges, and live with full awareness.

Sampunan mati kalaning hidup (Don't die while still living): Don't let ourselves get stuck in mental or emotional stagnation. Life must be lived with spirit and awareness.

Ring hidupe patut hidup (In life, one must live): Live life with clear meaning and purpose. Don't just exist, but live wholeheartedly.

Sawireh hidupe pemuput mati (Because life is the end of death): Life is an opportunity for transformation from previous negative states or "death" to higher consciousness and meaning.

Yening tan purun mati sampunan hidup (If not ready to die, don't live): Life should be lived with readiness to face all changes and transformations. If not ready for major changes, we cannot live fully.

Yening hidup tur patut hidup tur patut mati (If living, one must live properly and be ready to die): Life should be lived with integrity and full awareness, ready to face every challenge and change, and ready to let go of things that need to be changed or ended.

If the song is summarized in a simple sentence, its essence might convey the message of what is the point of living if not useful. Life that does not bring benefits to oneself and others is the same as death. The song Pemuput Hidup Mati reminds us that living with full awareness, meaning, and usefulness is the essence of our existence. Without purpose and contribution, life loses its meaning and is the same as death. Through its lyrics, this song invites us not just to exist, but to live with beneficial values, contribute to the world, and achieve true enlightenment.

Thank you immensely to Ida Pedanda Putra Manuaba who has spread this song to the community. May the song Pemuput Hidup Mati be a reflection for every person in living their life.