The Benefits of Stone Banana: A Refreshing Natural Healer for Digestive Health in the Lontar Usadha Dalem

Lontar Usadha Dalem, an ancient Balinese manuscript, holds a wealth of knowledge regarding traditional medicine. It contains various methods for utilizing natural ingredients, including stone banana, also known as pisang klutuk. This banana is unique because it differs from regular bananas; its texture is firm, and it has many seeds. However, it is precisely this uniqueness that gives pisang batu extraordinary benefits, particularly in maintaining digestive health.

Feb 8, 2025 - 02:05
Nov 15, 2024 - 18:42
The Benefits of Stone Banana: A Refreshing Natural Healer for Digestive Health in the Lontar Usadha Dalem
Stone Banana (Source : Personal Collection)

In the Lontar Usadha Dalem, there is a specific section that details the benefits of stone banana. The original Balinese text states: "Bi dukung, bhiseka pisang batu. Mangda ngardi sasuluh, ngardi sembuh sapraben agetuh ring weteng, tur mendinginang ulu ati. Pisang puniki tan len tios makasami, nanging maweh kasumburan ring angga, puik-puik perih ring usus lulus."

This translates to the belief that stone banana is capable of addressing various stomach issues, calming the heart, and strengthening the digestive system. Moreover, it is known for its cooling and soothing effects, making it beneficial for alleviating gastric disturbances such as stomach pain, high acidity, and diarrhea.

The benefits of pisang batu stem from its high fiber content and other natural compounds that contribute to maintaining a healthy digestive system. For further insights and more details, you may find valuable information in various sources discussing Balinese herbal medicine and the Usadha tradition

Stone Banana (Source : Personal Collection)

In the realm of traditional Balinese medicine, stone banana is renowned as a natural remedy for digestive health. Its high fiber content is a key reason why this fruit is effective in promoting regular bowel movements and reducing the risk of constipation. Additionally, stone banana possesses astringent properties that help to tighten bodily tissues, making it beneficial for strengthening the walls of the stomach and intestines. This attribute is particularly important for individuals who frequently experience stomach pain or digestive disturbances.

Some specific benefits of stone banana related to digestive health include:

  • Addressing Diarrhea: The astringent content in stone banana can help alleviate diarrhea by reducing fluid in the stool and slowing down intestinal movement.

  • Strengthening the Stomach Walls: Stone banana can enhance the stomach's resistance to acid, thereby decreasing the likelihood of issues such as gastritis. This property also aids in protecting the stomach lining from irritation.

  • Relieving Stomach Pain: The cooling nature of stone banana is believed to help soothe pain or discomfort in the stomach, making it a safe natural option for calming sensitive stomachs.

Preparation of Stone Banana (Source: Personal Collection)

Stone banana can be transformed into a juice that offers numerous digestive benefits. To prepare this juice, start by selecting ripe stone bananas and washing them thoroughly. Cut the bananas into small pieces to facilitate blending. These pieces are then blended with a little water until smooth. After blending, strain the mixture to remove any coarse fibers, resulting in a more easily digestible beverage.

This juice can be consumed twice a day to help alleviate stomach pain and bloating, which are often caused by excessive stomach acid. The high fiber content in stone banana juice plays a crucial role in promoting healthy digestion, reducing the risk of constipation, and maintaining gut health. Its astringent properties provide a calming effect on the stomach lining and strengthen the stomach tissues, aiding those who frequently face digestive issues. Overall, stone banana juice is a healthy and natural choice for maintaining digestive balance.

Preparation of Stone Banana (Source: Personal Collection)

Using stone banana as a natural remedy, as recorded in the Lontar Usadha Dalem, is a way to honor ancestral knowledge that has been preserved for centuries. Natural medicine derived from ingredients like stone banana relies not only on intuition but also on a long-standing experience of utilizing the wealth of nature for health. The use of such natural ingredients is generally safer and presents a lower risk of side effects compared to chemical medications.

However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. By respecting tradition, we can use natural remedies as a first option for maintaining health while remaining open to the advancements of modern medicine.

Thus, the benefits and methods of processing stone banana, as taught in the Lontar Usadha Dalem, not only aid in maintaining digestive health but also contribute to improving overall bodily health balance.