The Philosophy Behind Sate Lilit: Uniting the Balinese Community and the Symbol of Brahma's Weapon
Sate lilit is a traditional Balinese dish symbolizing togetherness and spirituality. Its preparation represents the unity of the Balinese community and the philosophy of "menyama braya." Sate lilit is also believed to bring blessings from Dewa Brahma. This dish has become a cultural heritage that continues to unite the Balinese people.
Sate lilit is one of Bali's traditional dishes, renowned not only for its deliciousness but also for its deep philosophy and strong sense of togetherness. In Balinese culture, food holds a meaning that goes beyond mere consumption; it serves as a medium reflecting significance, identity, and the bonds between community members. Sate lilit conveys these messages and symbolizes the unity of the Balinese people while representing the weapon of Dewa Brahma in the context of religious rituals. With this symbolism, sate lilit transcends being just a dish; it stands as a cultural and spiritual heritage that continues to strengthen the bonds of Balinese society to this day.
Etymologically, the name “sate lilit” is derived from the word “lilit,” which means "to wrap" or "to bind." The process of making this sate differs from typical satay in Indonesia. Instead of being skewered, the ground meat is mixed with various spices and then wrapped around lemongrass stalks or bamboo sticks. Behind this simple technique lies the philosophy of Balinese life, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining the integrity and connection among community members.
The Process of Wrapping Around Bamboo Sticks (Source: Editorial Collection)
In Bali, the process of cooking sate lilit becomes a communal event that involves many people. Typically, large families and the community gather to prepare this dish during significant occasions such as weddings, births, and funerals, as well as during religious celebrations like Galungan and Kuningan. This cooking process fosters a spirit of gotong royong (mutual cooperation), where everyone plays a role and contributes at each stage.
From preparing the spices, grinding the meat, wrapping it around lemongrass stalks or bamboo, to cooking it, all these tasks are done together. For the Balinese, this activity reflects solidarity, cooperation, and a sense of belonging. Each individual offers their time and effort to help one another, making the preparation of sate lilit not just about cooking, but also an opportunity to strengthen social bonds, renew family ties, and create harmony among community members.
For the Balinese, this collective process not only results in a delicious dish but also upholds the values of “menyama braya,” which signifies a profound sense of brotherhood and togetherness. Through sate lilit, the Balinese learn about the importance of collaboration and the appreciation of every individual involved, all while preserving their cultural heritage.
Spices in the Sate Lilit (Source: Editorial Collection)
Furthermore, sate lilit embodies symbols of nature, where the process of combining ingredients such as onions, chilies, lemongrass, turmeric, and coconut reflects the harmonization of natural elements. Here, the act of creating the dish transforms into a kind of creation ritual, embodying the cosmological philosophy of Bali, where nature and humanity coexist in a mutually enriching and supportive relationship.
In Balinese Hindu mythology, Dewa Brahma is known as the creator god associated with the element of fire. Sate lilit is often regarded as a symbol of Brahma's weapon due to its shape and preparation method. Fire, as an element of transformation and creation, plays a crucial role in cooking this dish. By transforming raw meat into a delicious and edible meal, sate lilit radiates the symbolism of creative power, much like Dewa Brahma, who created the world from emptiness.
During certain Balinese ceremonial rituals, sate lilit is offered as a symbolic representation of Brahma's strength. Its presence in these rituals serves not just as a dish but as a symbol of reverence for the power of creation and transformation—a request for blessings upon the Balinese community throughout their lives. Thus, sate lilit becomes a dish imbued with sacred values within ritual contexts, connecting the Balinese people to the universe and the deities through the manifestation of food.
As a traditional dish, sate lilit also plays a significant role in preserving Balinese cultural identity. Amid the currents of modernization, the existence of sate lilit serves as a reminder of Bali's rich cultural heritage and local wisdom. This dish is not merely presented on dining tables but also becomes part of the cultural narrative that connects the younger generation to the noble values of their ancestors. By engaging in the preparation and enjoyment of sate lilit, the youth are encouraged to appreciate and uphold their cultural roots, ensuring that these traditions continue to thrive in contemporary society.
The Spirit of the Young Generation in the Making of Sate Lilit (Source: Editorial Collection)
The involvement of the younger generation in the preparation of sate lilit, especially during traditional ceremonies or significant celebrations, represents a form of cultural regeneration. They are taught the techniques of cooking sate lilit while also understanding the philosophy behind this dish. In this way, sate lilit serves as a bridge between the past and the present, ensuring that the values of togetherness and spirituality passed down through generations remain alive within Balinese society.
Sate lilit is not merely a traditional Balinese dish; it is a symbol rich with cultural, spiritual, and social values. Through this dish, the Balinese people reflect on the spirit of togetherness, respect for nature, and reverence for the deities, particularly Dewa Brahma as a symbol of creation. In each act of wrapping the spiced meat around lemongrass or bamboo skewers, there lies a message about the importance of unity, mutual assistance, and the sense of brotherhood that forms the foundation of Balinese life.
Thus, sate lilit emerges as one of the cultural icons of Bali, appreciated not only for its culinary delights but also felt in a spiritual sense. The philosophy it embodies makes sate lilit a heritage that must be preserved, not only in the form of culinary recipes but also as a manifestation of life values that inspire the Balinese people to maintain harmony with one another, with nature, and with the deities.