Traditional Medicine Using Water in Lontar Usadha Yeh
Usadha yeh is a treatment method that focuses on the use of water, mantram, and various other upakara means. With the siwaistic concept adopted by usadha yeh through tantric teachings, internal illnesses can be treated with usadha yeh, such as stomach aches, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, and so on. Treatment in the form of drops, herbal medicine, spray, and boreh are the treatment methods that are allowed to be carried out in usadha yeh. Apart from that, penglukatan is also one of the treatment concepts adopted by Usadha Yeh.

Traditional Balinese medicine (usadha) introduced by the ancestors is a healing science that is imbued with Hindu religious values. Usadha is traditional Balinese medical knowledge, as a source of concepts for solving problems in the health sector. Mastering the usadha concept and utilizing it in a conceptual framework in the fields of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research is useful for developing science and technology in the health sector.
Usadha yeh is essentially a usadha text which contains about the types of diseases, methods of treatment and the means used, in usadha yeh it is stated that knowing the composition and sequence of the dasaksara is the main basis for using the usadha treatment. Lontar usadha yeh has a concept and traditional medicine that is specific because it prioritizes mastering the concept of dasaaksara by using water and mantram in its implementation, including using several concoctions sourced from natural plant materials, stems, upakara and so on.
In the usadha yeh lontar, there are theological concepts which are explained at the beginning of the lontar as follows. “Om Sang Hyang Siwa Ring Siwadwara, Parama Siwa ring tungtunging rambut, Sada Siwa ring irengin netra, Siwa ring tungtunging irung, sah siwa ring tungtunging muka, Sang Hyang Kasiapa ring tungtunging lidah, angerapuh wisia sahananing wisia rapuh, denira Hyang Siwa, Sada Siwa, Parama Siwa, Siwa, Sah Siwa, Kasiapa, Om ang ang mang mang ang ung teka rapuh”. The mantra can be translated as follows: "Om Sanghyang Shiva at the crown of the head, Paramasiwa at the tip of the hair, Sadasiwa at the black of the eyes, Shiva at the tip of the nose, Sah (Siwatma) Shiva at the tip of the face, Sanghyang Kasai at the tip of the tongue, eliminating all poisons (diseases) and all diseases were eliminated, by him Sanghyang Shiva, Sadasiwa, Paramasiwa, Sahsiwa, Katapi, Om Ang Ang Mang Mang Ang Ung were destroyed." Based on the description above, it can be interpreted that the mantram quote found at the beginning of the usadha yeh lontar and which is the essence of the usadha sari which is referred to as usadha bayu contains the meaning of the value of theological education in the form of divine teachings and worship of the Tri Purusa (Parama Shiva, Sada Shiva and Shiva). Worship of the Almighty God, in his manifestation as Dewa (giver of light) and Bhatara (protector) is a form of high and noble knowledge from Sang Hyang Kawho to ask for protection and healing from all kinds of existing diseases. In the usadha yeh lontar there are also mantrams that are used for certain types of diseases. And the meaning of the caru carried out is to increase harmony and welfare of all living creatures in the world.
Melukat (Photo Source: Editorial Collection)
In Usadha Yeh, the treatment methods used are in the form of drops, herbal medicine, sprays and boreh. Usadha yeh emphasizes treatment using water and mantram and can be combined with all kinds of medicinal plants, but to implement usadha yeh a pangusadha must know the composition and sequence of the dasaaksara. To run a business, you have to follow the business steps and you have to understand the script (tatas nawang incep script and literature). In usadha it is also emphasized that disease originates from the mind, in fact 99% of diseases arise and start from the mind, therefore controlling, purifying and maintaining the mind so that it is always good and healthy is very important in the concept of traditional medicine or usadha itself. Because it starts from the mind, in the concept of usadha, pain and medicine are within the self. The environment, ingredients, ingredients, herbs and ceremonies and upakara are carried out as a reminder, as a harmonized energy that has an effect on a person's health.
The concept of treatment contained in usadha yeh is in the form of wounding. Penglukatan is a process of self-purification, balancing destructive energy using water. Water is the fastest energy carrier starting from tirta, aksara, dasa aksara and dasa bayu. The following are several types of diseases and traditional treatment techniques according to Usadha's palm leaves.
Number | Type of Diseases | Facilities Used | How to Treat | Mantram |
1 | Fever | Water | Sembur | Ong mang hang |
Sirat | Ung mang ang ang | |||
Herbal medicine/drinking | ong mang hang | |||
Eye drops | uh mang ih | |||
Compress | ong ih ah | |||
2 | Eye ache | Water | Sirat | om taya ah ih |
Sembur | Om taya I ah | |||
Raup | Om Taya ing | |||
3 | Stomach ache | Water | Herbal medicine/drinking | Mang mang ung ayang |
Sirat | Om ing mang ang | |||
Raup | Om taya ah |
The values contained in lontar usadha yeh include the value of theological education in the form of divine teachings and worship of the Tri Purusa (Parama Shiva, Sada Shiva and Shiva), and the value of health education includes knowledge about various diseases, methods of treatment, knowledge of usadha spells and the facilities available. based on the concept of siwaistik through tantric teachings