The benefits of boreh semanggi gunung, as described in Lontar Usada, include tre...
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is one of the herbal plants that holds a specia...
Usadha is the science of traditional Balinese medicine derived from ancient lont...
Mangosteen is a tropical fruit known as one of the natural traditional fruits in...
Usadha is a term that refers to the traditional Balinese healing knowledge, base...
Brotowali is a vine with a bitter taste that has long been used in traditional B...
Usadha yeh is a treatment method that focuses on the use of water, mantram, and ...
Usadha Rare's Medicine have helped many children recover and return to health. P...
Candlenut, also known by the Balinese as "tingkih", is a plant whose oil-rich se...
Knowledge of traditional Balinese medicine utilizing plants has been passed down...
Turmeric is one of the main ingredients in many traditional dishes, and apart fr...
Usadha Tiwang is a traditional Balinese medical practice that focuses on tiwang ...
At first glance, the name of this leaf may sound like one of the punakawan chara...