The Efficacy of Brotowali as an Rheumatic Medicine and Stamina Booster in Lontar Usadha Rukmini

Brotowali is a vine with a bitter taste that has long been used in traditional Balinese medicine. This plant is known for its efficacy in overcoming various diseases, especially as an arthritis remedy and stamina enhancer. The use of brotowali is recorded in the Balinese lontar usadha manuscripts, where this plant is considered one of the important herbs to maintain the health and energy balance of the body.

Oct 19, 2024 - 15:17
Oct 20, 2024 - 17:12
The Efficacy of Brotowali as an Rheumatic Medicine and Stamina Booster in Lontar Usadha Rukmini
Brotowali leaf (source : personal collection)

Brotowali (Tinospora crispa) has been known as one of the traditional medicinal plants that are widely used in various regions in Indonesia, especially Bali. In Balinese tradition, the efficacy of this plant is recorded in various manuscripts of lontar usadha (traditional Balinese medicine), mentioned in Lontar Usadha Rukmini. In this lontar, the Brotowali plant is referred to as one of the effective medicinal plants to overcome various complaints, especially for rheumatism and increase stamina.

Lontar Usadha Rukmini is one of the ancient texts that contains a variety of traditional Balinese medicine recipes, including various natural ingredients such as plants, roots, and spices. In this text, brotowali is not only known for its ability to overcome rheumatism, but also as a tonic that can increase the vitality of the body. 

Brotowali leaves have a number of properties that are beneficial for health. One of its main functions is as a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic, which helps relieve pain and inflammation, especially in people with rheumatism or arthritis. In addition, brotowali leaves are also known to have effective antipyretic properties to reduce fever. In traditional medicine, these leaves are often used to improve digestion, increase appetite, and help detoxify the body. The antimicrobial properties of brotowali leaves also make them effective in overcoming skin infections as well as accelerating wound healing.

Rheumatism is an inflammatory condition that causes pain in joints and muscles. In traditional medicine, rheumatism is often associated with an unsteady flow of body energy as well as a buildup of wind in the body. Brotowali is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which makes it effective in treating rheumatic symptoms. In Lontar Usadha Rukmini, brotowali is used as the main ingredient in rheumatic herbs. The bitter properties of brotowali are believed to help cleanse the blood, promote energy flow, and relieve inflammation in the body.

In addition to rheumatism treatment, Lontar Usadha Rukmini also noted brotowali as a natural tonic that can help increase stamina and vitality of the body. Brotowali is believed to be able to strengthen the body's immune system, improve metabolism, and eliminate fatigue. Its bitter taste is believed to stimulate the digestive system, increase nutrient absorption, and detoxify the body.

Brotowali works by stimulating the immune system, overcoming fatigue, and restoring energy lost after strenuous activity or debilitating conditions. As a tonic, brotowali is commonly consumed regularly to maintain energy balance.

Brotowali Trunk (Source: personal collection)

Brotowali in the Balinese tradition is not only used as a physical medicine, but also has a spiritual meaning. In Lontar Usadha Rukmini, brotowali is often associated with a thorough cleansing of the body, both physically and energetically. This reflects the belief that physical health is closely related to the energy balance in the body.

Some purification or "cleansing" rituals in Bali also use plant-based herbs such as brotowali to help purify the body of negative energies. This suggests that brotowali is not only seen as a medicinal plant, but also as part of a holistic healing that includes physical, mental, and spiritual.

The sound of  the lontar is "Sarining raga, wit bratawali pinaka usadhaning sarwa nginih, sakawit ring sela tan ngaji, pujut ning kadi kasakit wetuning getih. Bratawali ambekasa, pinaka pangentas wong tan lena, rasa pahit pinaka manggih jagadhita, nguripin sarira, sareng sami dosa karuh ulah ning bumi." which means "The essence of the body, the brotowali plant as a medicine for all pains, has long been believed to heal, eliminate pain that comes from dirty blood. Brotowali is very useful, as an antidote for the weak, its bitter taste brings prosperity, revitalizes the body, and cleanses all the mistakes that occur in the world."

Here’s how to make Brotowali drink for rheumatic treatment and stamina boosting:


- 2 stems of Brotowali (around 10-15 cm long)

- A fresh Brotowali leaf

- 3 glasses of water

Ingridients to make Brotowali drink (Source : personal collection)


  1. Wash the Brotowali stems and leaves
    Rinse both the stems and leaves thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt.

  2. Cut the Brotowali stems
    Slice the stems into smaller pieces for easier preparation.

  3. Boil the stems and leaves
    Place the cut stems and leaves into a pot, add 3 glasses of water, and simmer on low heat until the water reduces to about 1 glass. This usually takes around 20-30 minutes.

  4. Strain the boiled mixture
    Once done, strain the liquid to separate it from the stems and leaf.

  5. Serve
    Drink the warm Brotowali mixture once or twice a day to maximize its benefits. You can add some honey to decrease the bitterness

 Brotowali drink (Source : personal collection)

In conclusion, brotowali has extraordinary properties as an rheumatic medicine and stamina enhancer in traditional Balinese medicine, especially those recorded in Lontar Usadha Rukmini. This plant is not only known for its ability to treat joint pain and inflammation, but also as a natural tonic to improve the body's vitality and energy. With an easy-to-process recipe, brotowali remains relevant as one of the natural herbal medicines that are widely used today.

By still appreciating the heritage of this tradition, we can take advantage of the natural wealth available around us to maintain the health and balance of the body naturally.