Moringa Leaves, Rich in Nutrients and Antidote to Black Magic
Moringa, also known as Moringa oleifera, is a plant that has many benefits for human health. Its leaves are used in traditional medicine in various regions around the world. The plant grows easily in the tropics. In addition, in Bali, people also believe that moringa can be used as an antidote to black magic.

Moringa or its scientific name Moringa oleifera, is a plant that has been known and utilized by people around the world for centuries. This plant has a myriad of properties and benefits that are very good for human health and even for plants as well as the best source of organic fertilizer. In addition to having a very strong stem, even the moringa leaves that we often find on other plants have benefits too. Indeed, there is no doubt that this moringa plant is often referred to as the "Miracle Tree".
Moringa Leaves (Source : Personal Collection)
Moringa leaves come from the Indian subcontinent and have been used in traditional medicine in South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa for thousands of years. This plant is easy to grow and can be found in various tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Especially in Bali, besides the leaves that are used, the fruit is also no less delicious as a soupy vegetable and it is also believed that the tripe or skin is often taken and used as an antidote to black magic.
In Usadha Bali, most of what is used is indeed the leaves which are usually used as loloh or herbal medicine, it tastes bitter-sour and does not cause nausea which is characteristic of all loloh in Bali because of its bitter smell and taste. The method is easy to make, just take the leaves and then clean them under running water and then just blander and add a little water or Balinese people used to be pounded first and then added warm water. Friends can add honey to relieve the bitterness.
Moringa itself is included in Usadha Dalem in the Balinese Usadha, because in addition to treating flatulence, it is also good for the liver, and its oil content can care for skin and hair and can prevent cancer cells from growing. In addition, for those who are elderly, it is very good for the bones because, its anti-inflammatory properties can also help treat arthritis and heal damaged bones. Moringa leaves are also able to help reduce the amount of glucose in the blood as well as sugar and protein levels in the urine. It can increase hemoglobin levels and overall protein content in the body.
Moringa Leaf Loloh (Source: Personal Collection)
In addition to being used as loloh, most people outside make moringa leaves as a powder, which is usually often used as a face mask because of the linoleic acid content which can help treat acne naturally and prevent premature aging because it contains anti-microbials that can treat the face naturally. Apart from being a face mask, it is no less just ordinary brewed like the green, usually the smell of moringa leaves is slightly reduced because it has been dried and powdered without reducing the content contained in moringa leaves. I once sprinkled moringa leaf powder on a cake which I thought was the green powder, and the taste did not spoil the cake, indirectly you could say I ate a healthier cake.
Moringa Leaf Powder (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
The nutritional content of moringa leaves is fairly absurd, if for example it is made into loloh or juice drinking about 200ml, the same as drinking 10 glasses of carrot juice containing Vitamin A, 7 glasses of oranges containing Vitamin C, Protein in 2 glasses of Yoghurt, and absorbing calcium equivalent to 17 glasses of milk. Indeed, our bodies do not need that much nutritional content, but take it easy it will not experience an overdose because our bodies can regulate the nutrients that our bodies only need. The best time if consumed daily is on Fasting. During the Penyepian holiday I did fasting and drank a glass of moringa loloh, all day I didn't realize I felt hungry at all and unconsciously I managed to fast for one full day, this cannot be separated from the content of the explanation above. Of course this is very good for Muslims who fast during the month of Ramadan.
Babakan / Bark (Photo Source: Personal Collection)
In addition to pandan leaves which are believed to be an antidote to black magic, moringa leaves are also believed to be an antidote as well (babakan or its skin). In fact, people tend to use moringa babakan because it is easier to carry everywhere, especially in children who tend to be more often exposed to such things. Hence, many Balinese people plant Moringa trees in their yards because of this belief. Usually parents will remind their children when they want to travel to "Don't forget to bring bekel!", which is the babakan kelor itself. Until now, many people still use this method because it is easy to do and also the role of parents who often remind them.