Prapat Nunggal Temple: A Unique Temple Located in a Mangrove Forest Conservation Area
The island of Bali is famous for its natural beauty and is also famous for the many magnificent and sacred waterfallsscattered throughout its territory. One of them is Prapat Nunggal Temple. This temple has an interesting and unique story behind it.

Prapat Nunggal Temple is one of Khayangan Jagat Temples located in the Tahura Mangrove Forest Conservation Area (Public's Forest Park) Ngurah Rai, Jalan Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar City. To reach the location of this temple, devotees who want to visit to pray enter through a chalky road located west of the entrance of Jalan Pelabuhan Benoa.
The temple, whose existence is surrounded by brackish water, is believed to be the protector of land from the ocean. This temple is crowded with Hindus, especially during holy holidays. Not only Hindus who visit, Buddhists and Confucians also visit to perform prayers to this temple.
In addition to praying, many people perform self-cleansing ceremonies or commonly known as Penglukatan so that all bad elements attached to the body disappear. Jero Mangku (the name for someone who holds a ceremony at the temple or common priest) explained that if you want to do Penglukatan (self-cleansing with holy water) should be done on Full Moon, Tilem (new moon), and also Kajeng Kliwon day precisely in the afternoon and bringup away facilities in the form of pejati (offering means).
Every third Tilem sasih holiday, a pujawali event will be held at Prapat Nunggal Temple. Pujawali is a celebration of the anniversary of a holy place that aims to raise Sradha and Bhakti before Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.There are four Ida Bhatara / Bhatari that surround or reside in Prapat Nunggal Temple, Ida Bhatara or Bhatari in question are Ida Bhatara Segara, Ida Bhatara Lingsir, Ida Bhatari Niang, and Ida Bhatara Ratu Gede Mecaling. The four Ida Bhatara/Bhatari have their own surrounding places.
Before entering Prapat Nunggal Temple, we are required to “matur piuning” or celebrate ceremonial facilities at pelinggih or places of worship outside the temple. After matur piuning, the devotees who want to pray then continue their journey to the temple through a wooden bridge which along the way is surrounded by mangrove plants. Prapat Nunggal Temple still maintains a peaceful and calm atmosphere because the location of this temple is far from the hustle and bustle of the city. In addition, this temple also provides a place for people who want to reflect and connect themselves between nature and their spirituality.
The first prayer starts from Beji Temple, where there is a pelinggih Ida Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. The second prayer continued at Pelinggih Simpang Empat Maha Brahma or Buddha Catur Muka. In this second prayer, it is necessary to celebrate the ceremonial facilities on all four sides where each side has its own place of supplication.
Pelinggih Simpang Empat Maha Brahma or Buddha Catur Muka (Source: Editorial Collection)
On the right side to ask for a good soul mate, good association in society, authority in leadershipn, problems in marriage to be resolved quickly, problems with good friends and so on. On the back side to ask for trade sustenance so that it runs smoothly, the business develops, increases salary and rank, wins tenders, prosperity, selling houses, debt-receivable affairs, and so on. On the left side to beg for good, congratulations on the way, pass exams, policies, drive away all bad luck and misfortune, and so on. And on the front side to ask for health, tranquility, harmony, peace, long life, kept away from all diseases, dangers, and healing for the sick. And the last prayer, which is in the main part of the temple with ceremonial facilities celebrated by Jero Mangku.
The uniqueness of the establishing process of Prapat Nunggal Temple starts from the fishermen who are looking for sea catches. North of the temple site, the fisherman saw a mound of a piece of land in the Benoa mangrove forest. The empty mound not overgrown with trees in the middle of the mangrove forest and then the fisherman stuck the pole in place of his catch, but always failed. Then a supernatural phenomenon occurs. It is said that Queen Bhatari Niang Sakti showed herself as an old woman figure in front of the fisherman at that time. The figure of the old woman then conveyed a message that she should immediately be made "house" (holy shrine/Pelinggih). The incident was then told to Suwung traditional leaders, then a paruman was held which was also attended by Balinese Hindu Parisada figures, so it was agreed that the construction of pelinggih (holy shrine) on the mound land in the mangrove forest. The pelinggih (holy shrine) became the origin of the construction of Prapat Nunggal Temple. The surrounding community believes that the mangrove forest area is believed to have many “Rerencang” or Queen Betari Niang Sakti soldiers who keep the mangrove forest from being easily damaged and its sustainability is maintained.