Temulawak: As a Natural Secret for Liver and Digestive Health in Usadha Taru Pramana
Temulawak, a native Indonesian herbal plant, has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various health issues. Known for its effectiveness in maintaining liver health, improving the digestive system, and boosting the immune system, temulawak remains one of the traditional remedies that continues to be popular among the community today.

Temulawak has been known as a herbal plant for hundreds of years in traditional medicine in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. Its use as a herbal remedy offers benefits for maintaining liver health and the digestive system.
In traditional medicine, Temulawak is mentioned in one of the Lontar Ushada, an ancient manuscript that discusses herbal medicine and traditional remedies. The Ushada in question is Usadha Taru Pranama.
In the Usadha Taru Pramana, there is a sentence that reads, “Iwang temulawak nyarengin banyu madya, tundan, kunir, keneh yeh caur, anggen ngupakara wahu angin, tuhu rahayu,” which translates to Indonesian as “Temulawak mixed with boiled water, added with turmeric, and stirred well, is used to treat bloating and gas in the body, very beneficial for health.”
Not only that, research has shown that temulawak contains several chemical compounds such as curcuminoids, xanthorrhizol, and essential oils that are very good for maintaining liver and digestive organ health. Furthermore, temulawak has several other benefits for the body. Here’s how to process temulawak into a herbal remedy:
Temulawak Jamu (Image Source: Personal Collection)
- 25 grams of fresh temulawak rhizome (cleaned)
- 500 ml water
- 1 tablespoon of honey
1. Crush and slice the temulawak rhizome thinly
Temulawak has a distinct and strong taste. Mashing and slicing it thinly allows the juices and nutrients from the rhizome to be extracted more easily during boiling. Use a sharp knife for finer slices.
Boiling Temulawak (Image Source: Personal Collection)
2. Boil the sliced temulawak in 500 ml of water
Water serves as a solvent to extract the active compounds in temulawak. Make sure to use a clean pot to avoid contamination. The water should preferably be boiled or mineral water to maintain the quality of the herbal drink.
3. Let the water boil and turn yellowish (about 15-20 minutes)
This boiling process is important for releasing active compounds, such as curcumin, which has many health benefits. The color change to yellow indicates that the essence of temulawak has dissolved in the water. Do not let the water boil too long to avoid nutrient loss.
4. Cool the boiled water, then strain it 2-3 times
Filtering is necessary to separate the leftover rhizome from the brew. Using a clean cloth or fine strainer can help achieve a clearer liquid. Filtering multiple times also helps remove any remaining sediment.
Strain Temulawak (Image Source: Personal Collection)
5. Add honey as a sweetener, and the temulawak herbal drink is ready to be served
Honey not only serves as a sweetener but also adds health benefits. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, providing a natural sweetness. Make sure to add honey after the brew has cooled to preserve the beneficial enzymes in honey
Temulawak Drink (Image Source: Personal Collection)
As a herbal plant, temulawak has natural properties that are beneficial for the body. Besides maintaining liver and digestive health, temulawak also has other benefits such as increasing appetite, improving metabolism, boosting the immune system, and much more.
It is important to note that although temulawak has many benefits, there are some potential side effects, especially for people with low blood pressure, a history of allergies to the ginger family, and those with stomach irritation. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming temulawak as an herbal remedy.