Lempuyang Temple: The Holy Light of the Balinese Universe

The island of Bali is famous for its thousand temples that are synonymous with splendor. One of them is Pura Lempuyang as a legacy from the ancestors. This temple is located on the slopes of Mount Lempuyang, which is known for its distinctive gate that frames Mount Agung from a distance. With its charm, this temple has captivated the attention of people who have been there.

Oct 9, 2023 - 06:17
Oct 8, 2023 - 21:45
Lempuyang Temple: The Holy Light of the Balinese Universe
Penataran Agung Lempuyang Temple (Photo Source: Author's Collection)

Lempuyang Temple is located on Mount Lempuyang, precisely in Karangasem. This temple, which is referred to as the gate of heaven in Bali, is located at the eastern end of the island. This temple has existed since the pre-Hindu-Buddhist era, which is one of the oldest and highest temples in Bali with an altitude of 1,174 meters above sea level. Pura Lempuyang is a temple believed to be the palace of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. The name Lempuyang comes from the word "lamp" which means light and "Hyang" means the name for God, so it can be concluded that this temple means the holy light of God that is brightly lit.

Lempuyang Temple (Photo Source: Personal Collection with permission of the owner)

There is a unique story behind the establishment of Pura Lempuyang, where Sang Hyang Parameswara brought mountains from India (Mount Mahameru). The mountain was divided into three parts and one of them was Mount Lempuyang. Mount Lempuyang at that time was occupied by Sang Hyang Agnijayasakti and resided in Pura Lempuyang along with several other gods who came down to Bali and were assigned to maintain the welfare of Bali Island.

This temple is believed to be a place to ask for blessings for Hindus to start learning knowledge including knowledge about Hinduism. And in this temple there is a "tirta pingit" which is believed that "Anyone should not do bad things like garbage in the temple, if they do not want to be exposed to danger". This temple is also believed to be a place to worship Sang Hyang Iswara as the protector of the east, the direction of sunrise. The worship of Sang Hyang Iswara is so that Hindus can be enlightened in their lives and free from spiritual death towards true life called amrtam.

The temple, founded by Rsi Markandeya around the 8th century AD, is a place of worship while spreading the teachings of Hinduism in Bali. The construction of this temple aims to facilitate the spread of Hinduism around Mount Agung which is believed to be the abode of God. This temple is still included in the Sad Kahyangan Jagad Temple or six holy places in Bali just like Besakih Temple. This temple is also one of the nine temples that protect people in Bali from the influence of evil spirits. No wonder Lempuyang Temple has become so important among Hindus. So that every community that Tangkil there will feel a strong spiritual aura.

In addition, there is a mystical story behind Pura Lempuyang that visitors should not complain about being tired when walking or visitors will fail to reach the top. And if carrying gold jewelry it will mysteriously disappear. Lempuyang Temple is unique in that the path is quite steep and wilderness. This temple is actually a Hindu temple complex. There are seven temples surrounding the mountainside. If you want to reach the top of Pura Lempuyang Luhur, then visitors must follow the path through the forest.

Penataran Agung Lempuyang Temple (Photo Source: Personal Collection with permission of the owner)

The temple that stands firmly at this height is closely related to the legend of the arrival of Bhatara Gnijaya who was chosen to inaugurate Pura Lempuyang. Pura Lempuyang also plays an important role in Balinese spirituality. The place dedicated to Hyang Iswara serves as the protector of the Island of Gods from evil forces. Pura Lempuyang is a monument of Balinese spiritual heritage that has History and mythology. This sacred place will inadvertently offer an in-depth knowledge of Balinese Hinduism, local culture and the spiritual topography of the Island of the Gods. Not only that, for people who want to find peace and spiritual meaning, this temple is the perfect choice.

Stakeholders of Pura Lempuyang will always be held by one descendant according to the purusa line. And in this Lempuyang temple has a characteristic that must use "pengangge" used in Lempuyang Temple will always be white and yellow. When an aci or piodalan ceremony is held, all the ingredients will be provided by the youth and the ones who do the work are teenage women. It is believed that purity comes from the successor of this area.

Lempuyang Temple (Photo Source: Personal Collection with permission of the owner)

Lempuyang Temple is different from other temples. Which is where, this temple can be visited by anyone. However, it is the same as other temples in general. When women are having their period or people who are in a state of cuntaka (have relatives who died), it is not recommended to come to the temple area. Because it will visit a sacred place, visitors must dress modestly and will be given a cloth when they arrive at the Lempuyang Temple area. No indecent behavior is allowed. It is not allowed to take pictures using drones. When visitors come to this Lempuyang temple, the favorite is not just one. However, everything in the area of Lempuyang Temple is a favorite part, both from the Penataran Agung Lempuyang Temple, the gate that frames Mount Agung, the sky that is so bright, and the sunset that paints the sky when it will change to dark and other beautiful temples that are there. And the temple is familiar to Balinese Hindus and is often made into a photo spot because the temple is instagramable.