Tag: #Tradition

Only Once a Year: The Sacred Rejang Ayunan, Swinging Da...

Rejang Ayunan is a unique and sacred cultural offering in Pupuan Village, Tabana...

Exploring the Unique Sacredness of Burial Traditions in...

Burial is one of the most significant stages in a person's journey to the afterl...

Mekepung Tradition: The Fun and Elegance of Traditional...

Traditions are habits that are carried out continuously because they are conside...

Mejarag: Representation of Gratitude and Pest Repellent...

Bali is a special place with a diversity of tribes and traditions that are still...

Museum Pustaka Lontar from the Dukuh Penaban Village: B...

Museum Pustaka Lontar, a cultural treasure in Bali that is hidden away. Here, th...