Tag: traditional medicine

The Nagasari Tree: Revealing Hidden Energy in Balinese ...

Bali, not only known as the home to breathtaking natural landscapes and captivat...

Bawang Adas: Tubers with Abundant Health Benefits

Bawang Adas, also known as Bawang Dayak, plays a crucial role in traditional Bal...

Jangu, Aquatic Plant with a Distinctive Scent and Many ...

Jeringau (Acorus Calamus L), or known as Jangu in Balinese, is one of the herbal...

The Hidden Benefits of Sandalwood Besides Its Fragrance

Since ancient times, society has been surrounded by various natural riches that ...

Coriander Seeds: Culinary Spice and Remedy for Mental I...

The island of Bali is renowned for its traditional healing system, relying on ge...

The Secret Wealth of Candlenut : Its Oil-Rich Seeds Rev...

Candlenut, also known by the Balinese as "tingkih", is a plant whose oil-rich se...

Garlic, a Traditional Tuber with Many Hidden Benefits

Garlic (Allium sativum), also known as Kasuna in Balinese, is a commonly used tu...

Madori: A Plant That Is Not Only Beautiful But Also Ben...

Usadha Tiwang is a traditional Balinese medical practice that focuses on tiwang ...

Rediscovering the Wonders of Nature: Pomegranate as Tra...

Pomegranate, a fruit that captivates with its colorful skin, is evidence of the ...

Meniran, Wild Plant with a Lot of Benefits for Human's ...

One of a way that people rarely know about maintaining health is by using or con...

Don Delem : A Remedy and Promising Business Oppotunity

At first glance, the name of this leaf may sound like one of the punakawan chara...